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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

What do you do?

ouuuu expensive…

How often do you wash your car?  Are you good at taking care of your material things?  Large items like your exterior of your home, or your yard, or car/boat?  Do you respect the items in your life and what they do for you or BRING to you?

don’t get these dirty!

We have a very old piano (thanks Mel) and all my kids take lessons so I enjoy the music.  The piano is over a 100 years old so it needs a lot of TLC.  We need to do a series of things to make sure it keeps allowing music to resound. 

All of this because I realized it’s been so long since we serviced it and with funds being tight all around, it made me think of all the material things in my life that I need to maintain, like my white car or my old, old piano.

my piano has missing key tops too. still plays

I think I’m going to make a list of those items, cause as I’m writing this, I realize, how many material items do I have that I don’t maintain?  My dining room table needs a whole coat of new paint or at least a refinishing and the oven needs to be cleaned inside and out.

Then there’s the outside of my home. The paint job on the outside is trash. Actually, like it’s falling off… This is going to be a long list.

You have any items you maintain?  Any tips for me?  My car is white and in this time of year, I’m washing it sometimes twice a week.  In the summer the kids do it, but during school (and snow) I’m on my own.  

Subscribe below and make my day!

-peace ✌🏾

The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

Just shut up and clean already!

if all my supplies looked like this?

It’s Spring!  We must get ready! Everything will be fresh and new soon so let’s get prepared!  Ugh!  Like we don’t know?! Marketing ploys to get you in the season for more spending and purchasing and ‘buying’ into themes and concepts that make a difference? Really?  My cynicism is on fire this post!

Get your life together, throw out those old things.  Get your closet in shape, get ready to show your flesh! It’s all too much but yet, I can say that I look forward to all the “spring” marketing.  I love a new beginning and an excuse to make a to-do list.  What do you like?  Does this time of year make you want to be better and accomplish more?  Does it make you want to vomit? 

does this ‘spark joy’?

This is the time we take stalk of how much more we need to accomplish before the sun warms all things and we are in full on summer mode. It almost seems like we live for this? We live for the preparation of the seasons ahead. We are always looking for the next thing to motivate us. At least I am… Humans, we are the best, subscribe below!


The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

Fool me once…


April Fools’ day?  What gives?  Why is this day of importance?  It’s widely known that folks crack jokes and prank each other in some form or another. 

it’s a no for me…

As soon as the prank is completed, the prankster yells out, APRIL FOOLS!  Like that is supposed to negate the joke at all!  Wow.  I think I got-got a couple of times on social media. You know, that off-putting news post that turns out to be… April Fools! sigh…

my kids would be so mad…

Even though this post is on April Fools, it’s no joke and you can subscribe.  For real…



The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

Is white alright?

white, cream, off-white?

Spring is close to springing and I am ready for all the bounce! Does anyone know why we are tied to fashion laws? My first guess is that it had something to do with the weather. Rainy seasons aren’t a likely pairing for pastels and linens. Sunny seasons are no place for furs and ponchos so, problem solved? Could that be it?!

fire. that is all.

In no particular order, here are some of the supposed no-nos of fashion

·      No white till after labor day

·      No white to a wedding

·      No white in the winter

·      No white unless you’re tanned/brown already

·      No white unless it’s June-August

It looks like white is the most special color.  I wonder why?  I decided this year, 2023, that I’m going to wear white whenever I feel like it.  I wore white converses a few weeks (not spring) ago and it felt great.  I mean, my outfit looked good.  I think that the fashion rules are a mild suggestion and we should do as we wish while we still have our abilities.  Long story short, I will wear white any chance I get.  Any color you hold out on till the snow melts?  Let me know, I’d love to hear your choices.  Don’t forget to subscribe!


The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique


Winter is coming to an end and we all know what comes up next, SPRINGTIME! For some of us, this is our jam! For others, it’s another change that is dreaded. Puddles, rain, remnants left from the various snowfalls hardly seem springish but in Manitoba, you know how it is. When stages end and new ones begin, it’s hard not to look back and see where you were. Life hasn’t been easy as of late…

what a nice smile

so nice!

I haven’t been that nice actually. For real, somewhere during the turmoil of 2022 I began to stop being nice.

I was annoyed 9/10 times everyday. Folks weren’t kind, folks weren’t nice and it drove me crazy! I began to realize that I too was part of the problem! I would focus on whatever task I was into and wouldn’t look up to engage anyone or anything. If I was on a run, I would never look at the oncoming runner. Walks too! My eyes just face forward. NOT NICE.

There were a few times I smiled at a face and was met with nothing. Even at times I would say ‘hello’ and not an answer at all! Nothing! I think that’s when I became less nice. Tired of people being tired, I too started slipping and I started being unkind or rather, out of touch and out of connection.

This entry is reminding me that I actually like being nice and I like engaging humans in real life. I do. Sometimes though, it’s easy to forget. Be nice and subscribe to this blog. Hehehehe 😉



Freshair Boutique


This is my time, again.  I have said many times that writing was something I would like to work on and maintain.  For those of you who have been here from the beginning, you may have remembered freshfood as a Saturday blog post about literally, whatever.

remember those loooong nails?!

My mind is an open field of thoughts, dreams, questions, ideas and ideals.  I can’t stop it from trying to discover, learn and understand (I’d love suggestions on how to slow down your brain).  I think that freshfood was sort of a creative outlet for me and I didn’t even know it!

In a world of ‘likes’ and digital glory, it’s hard to know if you’re really doing it right.  I wrote every week for a few years and our followers might have been around 5-15 people (who probably felt bad for me honestly).  Compared to other blogs I’ve read or how online products grow, freshfood was/is developing at a snail’s pace.  As long as the 5-15 of you care to peek inside my mind, I hope to bring you nothing but pure entertainment if no education or knowledge is gleaned from my ramblings.  The goal is to stay consistent and hopefully some folks will be into my words.

…my future’s so bright!

So yeah, here we go, the first of a few/many.  I’m hoping to get some things off my chest and also ask some serious questions (i’m very intrigued by perspectives that are different from mine so this could be interesting). Since the pandemic and the death of George Floyd, I have myself experienced a sort of renaissance and freshfood (even though it’s old) is really a by-product of my “newness”.

I’m back at it and I’m ready for anything!  Don’t forget to subscribe! 😬


*lyrics from mama said knock you out- LL COOL J