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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

Living on the internet.

Digital awareness is literally everywhere.  I can’t get away from everything turning digital. Between my kids at home and my co-workers, I am reminded daily! It’s impossible to get through my day without tapping into the internet(most folks call it ‘using your phone’ but t.i.t.i. sounds more epic).  Will my job get that upgrade? I wonder…

you wanna move in here?

I mean, you can get tharapy through your phone, you can get groceries through your phone, you can get an oil change appointment through your phone! You can’t get a haircut through your phone, although I have been summoned on facetime to help a pal or two with cuts for their family members (pandemic life). That’s through the phone I suppose! Case closed!

Are there some things you’re worried about going digital forever? Are you obsessed with t.i.t.i.? Does it control your moves and control your wants? LEt em know and don’t forget to subscribe!


It's a new dawn, a new day, and a new life?

Freshair Boutique

We are about to embark into the coldest season of the year, and even though it’s been a rough year (pandemic, everything) I’m looking forward to all the newness that fall brings. It’s been hard navigating the current standards of our culture as a business owner, AND a mother! Can I just say that I have never been in so many ‘emotional’ situations in my life! From the changing business standards and our changing social standards, I’m learning, growing and developing more and more each day!

if you don’t succeed…

While changes in my life are inevitable, I’m looking forward to the changes here, at the shop! The pandemic has forced us to re-evaluate how we currently run the business and how we HAVE BEEN running the business until the shut downs of 2019. This time we are challenged with how to stay open in spite of our stylists being unreliable because of illnesses. At first, we noticed that clients were cancelling and now, it’s the stylists! These cancellations and closures have slowly made us aware of how inconsistent and slightly unreliable a service industry can be. What to do? How do we solve this issue?

so many rules, so many changes

Full disclosure, I’m not sure what all the answers are, but I am here, ready and willing to find out! This day and age, online businesses are truly taking off! Our hair salon has not yet evolved to doing haircuts online but hey, maybe one day?

We can really feel the power of online sales when we deliberately make posts to move our followers to our site. E-commerce is a new area for me to learn about but like I said, new things are now my jam? We are hoping to develop a little more on this platform by offering unique items that are sustainably made/sourced and that will make your life easier, while staying local and close.

Our body wash and lotion have been exclusively used by all the Okwumabuas in my house! I prefer body wash over bar soap because I find the bar soap really dries my skin out. Freshwash (body wash) DOES NOT. It is almost like a cowash for your skin! It’s moisturizing AND cleansing at once! I love how it makes my skin feel during the shower and afterwards as well. The lotion is pretty great too, but I double up with shea in the cooler months as Freshbody (body lotion) is quite light. It’s great for the summer or if you need a light layer of moisture.

We have some other products available for a subscription services so that you don’t have to think about coming in to get your hair products or lifestyle products. You can sign up to have them automatically ordered and set up for delivery or pick up at your own convenience! We’re here to help you, help us, help you! 😉

just one step at a time buddy

As the year continues to unfold, we are hoping that some small changes will help keep our doors open for as long as possible. We are chnaging our salon software and will also be making changes here, to our website, in order to capture more sales. While cutting, coloring and styling hair is my main focus and the shops main source of revenue, this NEW way has made it almost impossible to see the future without more “digital” services.

The online store is open 24 hours a day and while my chair is not available all day everyday, is. It’s seems like this is the number one way that we can make some financial progress without relying or depending on service providers. It makes me sad that folks are seeming less dependable these days, but that’s just how things are now. The sooner we accept the changes, the sooner we can move on.

remember the time?

Thanks to all who support us! You might be sitting in our chairs, or only shopping online, but either way helps and either way supports. Now that we are in the last quarter of the year, we really hope that all of you consider our online store while you’re shopping for back to school items or holiday gifts or whatever your heart desires. We are always open!


does nobody like my hair?!

Freshair Boutique

on the lack of representation of tight, tight, tight afros.

no evidence of curls anywhere

people compliment me all the time on my hair, but it’s because i am a hairstylist. i SHOULD be complimented on my hair right? i don’t really have an issue personally because of my job, but what if i wasn’t a hairstylist? would anyone tell me how much they liked my hair? for those of you that don’t know, my hair is a supah dupah tight afro. the pattern can wrap around a toothpick in some areas. i have two patterns, tight and then tighter. for some reason, the hair in my fringe area is less course and the curls are a little looser. the pattern is, let’s say, around the chord of a phone charger. other spots, it wraps around a toothpick…

i do not see curls

4C is the term everyone uses and it basically is the tightest curl a human head can grow. it’s so tight that it’s not even a curl! it’s a frizz essentially. the hairs zig and zag and spin and ‘curl’ in every which way! length that hangs is rare to achieve and SHRINKAGE is REAL!

you see any curls?

how can i make my clients see how beautiful there hair is when there are few representatives of this particular hair type? they hate that it shrinks, they hate that you can’t see the juicy definition of the curls and they always turn me down for a wash n’ go. No one in major marketing has accepted this hair type yet. i believe that’s why so many folks aren’t ready to unleash their frizzy afros! they’re just not ready… hopefully soon!

i know there are some people out there that are using this time (the pandemic) to grow out their afros and to see if they can accept leaving their hair out as is. when you’re ready, so am i!

It's Wednesday!

Freshair Boutique


I did it again! Ok, not me, Niasha this time, but I have new hair! I always wear a sleep cap and use the satin pillowcase when I have fresh hair! As soon as a week passes, I’m just sleeping on all the cotton I can find. It’s like I forget that my hair needs to be covered in order to last. I can’t seem to figure out why I only cover for the first bit. As soon as I see some fuzz, I’m done! Finito! NO MORE CAPS.

sorry bout the lighting but you get it. it’s new and long and blondish…

Which are you? Diligent hair coverer, or like me, wild with the best intentions of protection? I mean, my hair IS in a protective style already right? That’s not enough?

Call 12044149023 (Winnipeg) if you want to make an appointment for single box braids (like I have) or check out our online store if you’re looking for satin pillowcases. Happy Holidays!