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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


Filtering by Category: health & wellness

the ramblings of a chronic over thinker

Freshair Boutique

check me out!😉

well, we’ve made it to the end of the year! we did it! so many ups and downs, so many laughs and tears. i am ecstatic that 2024 is over but also, sad that it flew right by! to end the year off on a very light note, i thought i would share a video montage of some of my fave fits though the year. if you’re on instagram you may see some selfies from stylists here and there as we display our outfits of the day. no surprise here, i am a fashion lover! it’s been a journey through the years to pair down my wardrobe and be mindful of my clothing purchases. at 45 i think i may have figured it out but it’s hard to not overindulge. i’m a work in progress…

so yeah, praise clothed in various looks to end off the posts for the year! if it’s not inspirational, at least you could get a laugh or two as you peruse my style. a style i would describe as…. i don’t know, *i’ll come up with a name soon enough... thank you all for reading and following and supporting! we love you all and appreciate how you all hold us down! here’s to 2025! new looks, new hair, new year!


*if anyone can name my style, i’d love to hear it! i think my style is, ‘can’t be out here naked so, this is what i put on today, you’re welcome’ 😜🤣🤣

the ramblings of a chronic over thinker

Freshair Boutique

started from the bottom now we where??

clearly at the top! using gold to lotion is a sign of wealth, right?

not familiar with the drake song? started from the bottom now we’re here! here meaning the top! the pinnacle! success! “look ma we made it!”

I done kept it real from the jump
Living at my mama house we'd argue every month
*Playa, I was tryna get it on my own
Workin' all night, traffic on the way home
And my uncle calling me like, "Where ya at?
I gave you the keys told you bring it right back"
*Playa, I just think it's funny how it goes
Now I'm on the road, half a million for a show

so if you’re not a drake fan, or familiar with the song, it’s cool. it’s really just a statement of success and stating how far one has come to reach the top. but what is the top? what is success?

i was in a great conversation about success and we concluded that success isn’t the top. success is the amount of times you slipped off the top and then had to climb back up again. that’s one of the real meanings in my humble opinion. the ability to KEEP going no matter what comes or what goes. we start to believe that ‘making it’ is all we need to be focused on. the reality is, making it and continuing to stay positive, in spite of life/living, is what we should be pushing as a narrative. “look ma, i made it!”, is great and everything, but believe me, you’re not going to just get to coast after that. trust that things get more complicated when you have a view from the top.

feels amazing!

i definitely feel like i have reached ‘success’ here and there a few times, and it felt amazing, it felt wonderful, it felt good! i have also slipped off my ‘top’ probably more than i reached the top, but i’m still here, enjoying every slip, slide and climb. i wonder if jeff besos slips here and there? i mean, he IS human right?


*replaced the derogatory word

the ramblings of a chronic over thinker

Freshair Boutique

i’m not really in the mood for introductions and ‘get to know me’ type talk. if you know about our shop, you might know about this blog. this blog, yipes. if you know about this shop you might also NOT know about the blog. it’s like a thorn, not in my side, just there. thorn. looking thorny and useless. i’m hoping that writing again will turn the thorn into something nice like, i don’t know, a flower or a cookie or something calm-ish.

this space is calm

leah and i signed up for a 4 month business course and one of the items i must complete is to spend 90 mins a week on my business and all the things that my business entails. i have taken it on to also, during this 90 min session, write here. i love to read and sometimes i dream of writing. i’m not sure I have what it takes to be a legitimate writer, but the internet and this platform make me feel like i may have a little something?

when we first opened 14 years ago i was diligent with the writing and i did some decent work (i wrote an opinion piece on george zimmerman that i was really proud of. it’s lost now. thanks wordpress 😐). then life, kids, stuff started taking up the time. i began to slow down with the writing and then every once in a while, i would come back to it. this course, i’m hoping, will help me maintain the writing and in turn, boost me somehow? who knows…

bathroom selfie from the past when i may have been boosted, by youth…

so I’m gong to be here once a week, chronicling my limp digital life (and actual life as well). there is the hope that i could be growing something helpful, useful and maybe a little supportive? i mean, i won’t know if anyone will read this or will care, but i can at least start. if you do read this, please drop me a line, let me know you exist. it would be really nice to know that i’m not just writing into the abyss. tbh, i should be working on taxes right now and then making a video… should i post those here? …i dunno.

these sunday posts are going to be just like this, random thoughts that rattle in my brain. not fully edited thoughts and concerns, probably some weird judgements and ideals that only make sense to me but i think that’s the point? this post is a sorry excuse for an introduction but boom! have a good week, and…. that is all.


Men of the Oscars 2024

Freshair Boutique

These were some of the looks I liked.

They wore wide leg pants, off set collars, trains and jewels!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Ryan Gosling in Gucci

Coleman Doming in Louis Vuitton

Sterling K. Brown in Dior

Ke Huy Quan in Georgio Armani

Bradley Cooper in Louis Vuitton

I loved Robert Downey Jr’s total look and the internet wouldn’t let me show you here. There were also a few men that wore colour, had trains and embellished suits. Couldn’t show you those, but you can check out some of the guys I missed here and some of the ladies here. Anything you thought I missed? Let me know below!

-p ✌🏾

The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

So Black History month is over…

what’s next?

she says she happy it’s march and she’s a woman

Who decides what we celebrate? Is it our Government? Is it us? I mean, Wikipedia is made for us by us so yeah, been wondering abut that? Does anyone know how we decide what causes to celebrate? Why mustaches in march and not goatees or beards (because it sounds good?)? Women’s history is awesome but what about kids? Ok, i’m just stirring the pot is all. It’s a new month!



I am not my hair analysis

Freshair Boutique

I like to think about hair a lot. As a hairstylist, this should make sense, but sometimes I think hair might be taking up too much of my brain space. Lately, I’ve been noticing a lot of it in music, so I’ve decided to analyze a few that mention or talk about hair, in a short and simplified format just to put a little rock in your shoe. So that maybe next time you turn on your favourite Spotify playlist or absentmindedly turn the radio on in your car, or while you’re walking down the aisles at Safeway and you hear a song you know arbitrarily, you’ll stop and think a little bit more about the words.

I’m writing about the song “I am not my hair” by India.Arie featuring Akon. If you’ve never heard this song, I would suggest you stop reading now, go listen to it, and then come back. 

The song opens with rapper Akon taking us back to a time in his younger life, trying to get girls and trying to land a job, but having problems with both because his hair is deemed unattractive for one and inappropriate for the other. What would you do it this situation? Style your hair so you can land the girl? Cut it all off so you can nail that job interview and impress the big guys in suits? Either way you’re sort of forced to compromise what you really want right? He says so himself at the end of this verse; he didn’t see success, until after he cut it all off anyways.

Then bops in India Arie. She she gives us a timeline of hairstyles in her life from a young age up until adulthood, dealing with harmful hairstyles, harsh chemicals, and dealing with hair loss. All of these are very common scenarios for young black women with tight afro hair. And along with that comes, shame, embarrassment, sometimes bullying, all in an effort to conform to an image that other people want you to be. 

Later on in the song, India asks a very important question: does the state of her hair actually matter? And that question can be extended to us, and even beyond hair. Does our appearance inherently change our value as human beings at all? I think the easy and obvious answer is no. But if we all believed that as a society, songs like this wouldn’t be written, right? 

There are people who look different from us, who behave differently from us, who speak differently from us, and we judge them. I think all of us are born with prejudice towards others not like us, whether we like it or not. 

The answer to this question is given in the song specifically in the chorus as India sings: 

I am not my hair

I am not this skin

I am not your expectations, no 

I am not my hair

I am not this skin

I am the soul that lives within

One of my favourite things about this song is that the answer is in you. 

It’s 2024. We all know racism exists, that’s not a secret. If you pay attention to the news, you will know that there are still children in the U.S. that have been suspended from school because they refuse to change their hair to meet the standards of the school dress code. Standards that are inherently racist. You may know that we’ve come very far since this song has been released. There are laws that have been enacted so that people with different hair textures can’t be refused jobs based on their hair. (For more information on this, I highly recommend you Google “the Crown Act”). 

This song is almost 20 years old, and its message is still incredibly accurate to today’s society. But I think this song is really trying to get across the message that it’s about self acceptance first. It’s about the soul that lives within. It’s not about placing the blame on the people that create the expectations, or even making them change their perspective. It’s about you accepting you for who you are, knowing where you’re worth comes from, and that your hair has nothing to do with that.


💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵Happy Valentine’s Day💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵