The Fresh Perspective...
Freshair Boutique
What do you do?
ouuuu expensive…
How often do you wash your car? Are you good at taking care of your material things? Large items like your exterior of your home, or your yard, or car/boat? Do you respect the items in your life and what they do for you or BRING to you?
don’t get these dirty!
We have a very old piano (thanks Mel) and all my kids take lessons so I enjoy the music. The piano is over a 100 years old so it needs a lot of TLC. We need to do a series of things to make sure it keeps allowing music to resound.
All of this because I realized it’s been so long since we serviced it and with funds being tight all around, it made me think of all the material things in my life that I need to maintain, like my white car or my old, old piano.
my piano has missing key tops too. still plays
I think I’m going to make a list of those items, cause as I’m writing this, I realize, how many material items do I have that I don’t maintain? My dining room table needs a whole coat of new paint or at least a refinishing and the oven needs to be cleaned inside and out.
Then there’s the outside of my home. The paint job on the outside is trash. Actually, like it’s falling off… This is going to be a long list.
You have any items you maintain? Any tips for me? My car is white and in this time of year, I’m washing it sometimes twice a week. In the summer the kids do it, but during school (and snow) I’m on my own.
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-peace ✌🏾