the ramblings of a chronic over thinker
Freshair Boutique
what’s in a year?
well to start, there are 52 weeks in a year. there are at least 12 long weekends. there are birthdays, anniversaries (good and bad), holidays, dates and parties. there are causes and promotions, like november 11th (lest we forget) and february 14th (don’t forget about love). there are many parts that fit into the time frame of a ‘year’.
all the mentions above show me something kind of interesting. except for a leap year (less time in a year) we are ALWAYS working in this framework of 12 months. none of our existence happens outside of the framework of a calendar year. in north america, the so called ‘rat race’ has us all striving for something without a pause to see where we are IN the actual race! our phones, jobs, and lives keep us so enmeshed that we forget the structure we are in and the structure we support. humans are a key factor to the framework because we invented it and in a way, it supports us and our inventions. we need each other.
now that’s what i call support…
i find it mildly empowering to understand that i exist in a framework that repeats constantly. a new year is never a promise (if you’re alive) it’s kind of a guarantee. the sun will rise, it will set, a new year will come and it will go. it makes me feel confident because it confirms that i always have an aim to focus. i will always, as long as i am living, have the motivation to start again, because everyday does. we do it together.
✌🏾 -p