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Filtering by Category: the fresh perspective---

the fresh perspective...

Freshair Boutique

How much is too much?

Springtime in Winnipeg is usually a mish mash of warmth and chills. Because of this, most of us are conflicted with how much skin to show. My rule is, if there are blades of green grass on the ground, my toes will come out. If there is sun and the temperature is plus anything (during the month of March) my legs will come out.

As soon as March hits, I start watching my temperature app and decide accordingly. I drive to and from work, so I believe that makes it easier for me to justify flashing my leg skin. Just so you know, my rule would change is I was a bus taker or a walker.

The front of the shop allows us to see all kinds of people walking by with their dogs, lattes and shopping bags. Many people seem to start showing skin as soon as the temperature climbs a little. I have already seen my fair share of legs and TOES! Yes, TOES! There has even been a few feet in sandals in the shop these past few weeks!

So, throw caution to the wind, or your pants/shoes to the wind. Spring is here! Is it staying? Any Winnipegger knows that is the question for the ages… Now excuse me whilst I lotion up my gams…

That’s the fresh perspective…

the fresh perspective...

Freshair Boutique

Visit any Best Buy and you will find an endless amount of “smart” products designed to make your life easier and your home “smarter.”I can’t seem keep up with all the new technology but I’m constantly hearing of new gadgets or apps that can help connect you with people, your home, vehicle, etc.

Obviously there are a lot of benefits to all this new technology. What a time to be alive! You can talk to a loved ones face in real time AND check on your dog while sitting at work. But could all of these conveniences be making us lazy?

Do we really need our phones to be synced up with our lights and thermostats? Do we trust that these devices aren’t taking other information from us? Haven’t we seen what happens to humans in Wall-E?!? Sit in any waiting room or restaurant and pay attention to how many peoples faces are glued to their phones. Yes, we have created some great conveniences, but I think we can afford to manage our utilities the old fashion way; walk across the room and do it manually!

We can’t let technology take away from real life experiences. Talk to people face to face and leave your phone at home once in awhile!

The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

March is upon us and Marie Kondo Netflix special is fired up and ready to play. The best way to start out a new month - especially when exiting the winter blues - is to PURGE! Take some time this weekend to go through your clothes, knick-knacks & all things that are collecting dust or do not serve you any purpose. If you don’t have time to watch the hottest show right now, let me summarize some tips to get you on the fast track to ultimate organization & peacefulness. (You’re welcome). Disclaimer: I may or may not abide by these rules…


Step 1: Make sure everything has a place

Ok, this I can get behind. Nothing is more frustrating that not being able to find something you just put away the day before. Make sure everything has a place and if you can’t find one, maybe you don’t really need it.

Step 2: Get rid of papers

Makes sense. Papers, like old bills, pile up very quickly, many of which you really don’t need at the end of the day. Pull out the shredder!

Step 3: Don’t pile things - store vertically instead

This will make everything easier to find! Extra ambitious? Colour code as well!


Step 4: Only keep items of clothing that bring you joy

Sure? I mean, I guess most of my crew neck t-shirts don’t really bring me too much joy but I still wear them all the time. I’m not too sure about this rule or how to follow this rule… Just get rid of clothes you don’t wear after 6 months to a year (season permitting of course).

Step 5: Keep small change in your wallet

UMM, I disagree! I recommend throwing your small change into a piggy bank because there will come a time when you have some free time and you get to have the joy of organizing & counting all of your coins and small bills. Then, what to do with that money? Treat yourself! I feel so passionate about this one point because I just had a nice little surprise pay day this past weekend when I decided to count mine ;) Thermea here I come.


Happy “Kondo-ing”!

-the fresh perspective…

The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

You wake up, it’s dark. You get off work, it’s dark. If it’s sunny out, it’s dangerously cold. Winnipeg winter’s are challenging in so many ways. When the elements are literally working against you, it can seem inevitable that many of us start to feel the winter blues.

It can feel like such a chore to even leave the house in winter. Between bundling up, warming up your car and the slow, dangerous driving, we spend a lot of extra time getting from point A to point B. This can make it that much harder to leave your home if you don’t absolutely have to. It can feel comforting to just stay home and be cozy with Netflix but after a few months of this, it’s hard not to feel lonely and claustrophobic.

Some things that can help lift your spirits and keep you sane through the rest of the season are:

  • Start to pay attention to how many more minutes of sun we are getting each day. We forget that the shortest day is long behind us. It can make you feel more hopeful when you notice that we are getting more daylight already!

  • Start a list of things you want to do once the snow starts to melt or we get warmer temperatures. Having something to focus on and look forward to can keep your spirits up.

  • Try to do one activity or task that gets you out of your house and PJs to break up your day. It doesn’t have to be anything adventurous. Grab a coffee or visit a friend. It can feel good to get out and accomplish something before you have a lazy evening doing nothing.

It can seem like winter will never end but it always does. If we’re always wishing away half the year, then we can’t complain when summer seems to fly by as well. This is just a part of living where we do. All we can control is our attitude, so try to stay positive and embrace the season!


-the fresh perspective…

The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

When was the last time you stepped out of your daily routines and picked up a new skill? Whether it's knitting your first scarf, learning a new language or honing in on your makeup skills. Many people get caught up in their day to day hustle and bustle that we forget to keep things exciting and ever changing! Get inspired! 

There are so many benefits to keeping your brain stimulated and creating new challenges for yourself. Not only will you fight boredom, but you will have a bigger sense of pride. Why not pick up a new skill? Learn a new language, start painting or crafting, learn how to play an instrument... the ideas are limitless.

What's in it for you?

  • a sense of accomplishment & pride

  • fun

  • keep things exciting

  • become more interesting

  • challenge yourself

  • DIY gifts - potentially...depending on how successful ;)

What are some new skills you've taught yourself recently? We're looking for suggestions!

-the fresh perspective…

The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique


Here we are again, new year, new everything. Everyone’s setting new goals to make this year better than the last. I’m all for improving yourself but why do we need a change of calendar to set these goals for ourselves?

December is inevitably an intense month. We socialize, eat and spend more than we do any of time of the year. As lovely as it can be, it usually comes with a lot of extra stress, pounds and an empty bank account. What better motivation to do better? It’s understandable that January would be a time to redeem ourselves and work on feeling better.

But resolutions can come with their own set of stress. We all set these huge goals for ourselves right after we’ve indulged, instead of constantly trying to improve ourselves year round. It can be really challenging to make these big epic changes, especially after a month of indulgences.

Starting a new year can feel like the best time for a fresh start but the reality is, you’re still the same person you were December 31st. Change takes time and baby steps. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself to carry through with big goals. Try setting small goals gradually that might lead to a bigger lifestyle change or personal accomplishment. Focus on a goal but aim smaller and strive to continuously chip away at each step you need to get there.

-The Fresh Perspective…