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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


Filtering by Category: inspiration

the fresh perspective...


Happy New Year! Winnipeg-New-Years-Eve-Fireworks

We are starting a new year and the freshair girls and I are going to be trying out a local gym in our city this month.  I know it's so typical to start a workout regimen at this time of the year but, it is what it is.  I don't know about you, but holidays have kicked us around with baking and heavy meals.  And the cold is no better, it makes me want nothing but poutine and afternoon naps next to a fire.


So this year we are running a promotion with Strategym.  We will be going for a group workout in a few weeks and will share our experience with everyone.  If you're interested in making a fitness resolution, get in touch with us for the details.  Call 204-414-9023, email or walk into 542 A Academy Rd. and ask about the promotion with Strategym.

That's the fresh perspective...

Ashlie's Esthetic


Those skin products everyone needs....


With it being the start of a new year, people start changing different things about their daily routine, eating habits, or just habits in general. So why not start the new year off right with a great skin cleaning routine! As an esthetician, I feel that there are certain products every girl needs to help get their skin feeling amazing. I stick to 3 things: a cleanser, a toner and a moisturizer. These 3 things have helped keep my skin feeling clean and refreshed while looking great.

At the end of the day.... everyone has a different skin type. Products that work for me or your friend may not be the right products for your skin, it's always best to talk to a professional and figure out what will work best for you!


Cleanser: Best used twice a day, morning and evening. Cleansers are a great way to clean the skin from makeup and impurities. Cleansing helps remove access oil and gives a refreshing feel to the skin. I change up my cleansers every couple of months or even a every couple weeks, your skin gets used to the same products being used on a regular basis and you won't see the same benefits over time. I love using a scrub cleanser because it's also removing dead skin and keeps my pores unclogged. Also, by not removing your makeup at the end of the day.... you're clogging pores and aging your skin more than it needs too.

Toner: They're great for smoothing and hydrating the skin, as well as a great way to prep the skin for a moisturizer. Everyone has a different skin type, so trying to find one that works for you can be tricky. But once you do, you'll enjoy the benefits of having it. I use a tea tree toner, it helps keep breakouts at bay. I highly suggest staying away from any toners containing alcohol or strong fragrances as it can be drying and irritating on sensitive skin types.

Moisturizer: A great way to finish up your skin regime. Depending on the type of moisturizer you get, you may need to use it during the daytime vs the night. Any moisturizers containing SPF of any kind will help shield your skin from UV rays; they'll be beneficial to use during the day, I would recommend using a different moisturizer in the evening. Sometimes I find that moisturizers are too heavy or give me an oily complexion throughout the day, so I just use mine after my cleaning routine in the evening.

And a little side tip if you didn't already know..... Drinking lots of water is a great plus for you skin!


Ashlie's Aesthetic


What to look forward to in nail art 2016....

Some of the manicure trends in 2015 I couldn't get on board with....bubble nails, duck feet nails, and flip manicures. But I did really enjoy seeing all the 3D nail art and even the stiletto nails. So what does 2016 have to offer the nail industry....


(Flip Manicure)

Shattered Glass Nails

This trend started in South Korea and it's just b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l.! It looks gorgeous on both light and dark polish and it's easy enough to do! This funky trend can be done to every nail if you want or use them as an accent nail to jazz up that fresh manicure. Aluminum foil gives the nails a bolder look, while iridescent cellophane gives the nails a multitude of colors that it picks up from the polish and the lighting. Want more nailspiration?? Check out nail_unistella on instagram, unique and gorgeous nail art and the owner is the creator of this fantastic manicure trend.





If you're going to do a DIY, I recommend cutting the iridescent cellophane or thin aluminum foil before you get started and make a variety of sizes. (there are also stickers you can purchase to make it even easier)

  • Apply base coat to nails
  • Choose your favorite polish and apply 2 coats to nails
  • Apply top coat and let dry until tacky
  • Using tweezers, place the pieces you've already cut to the nail and lightly press every corner onto the nail and place as many or little as you want! Try keeping the perimeter of the nail free of the cellophane for a cleaner look.
  • Apply top coat to nails once again (multiple coats may be needed)

