The Fresh Perspective...
Freshair Boutique
Winter is coming to an end and we all know what comes up next, SPRINGTIME! For some of us, this is our jam! For others, it’s another change that is dreaded. Puddles, rain, remnants left from the various snowfalls hardly seem springish but in Manitoba, you know how it is. When stages end and new ones begin, it’s hard not to look back and see where you were. Life hasn’t been easy as of late…
what a nice smile
so nice!
I haven’t been that nice actually. For real, somewhere during the turmoil of 2022 I began to stop being nice.
I was annoyed 9/10 times everyday. Folks weren’t kind, folks weren’t nice and it drove me crazy! I began to realize that I too was part of the problem! I would focus on whatever task I was into and wouldn’t look up to engage anyone or anything. If I was on a run, I would never look at the oncoming runner. Walks too! My eyes just face forward. NOT NICE.
There were a few times I smiled at a face and was met with nothing. Even at times I would say ‘hello’ and not an answer at all! Nothing! I think that’s when I became less nice. Tired of people being tired, I too started slipping and I started being unkind or rather, out of touch and out of connection.
This entry is reminding me that I actually like being nice and I like engaging humans in real life. I do. Sometimes though, it’s easy to forget. Be nice and subscribe to this blog. Hehehehe 😉