It's Wednesday!
Freshair Boutique
I did it again! Ok, not me, Niasha this time, but I have new hair! I always wear a sleep cap and use the satin pillowcase when I have fresh hair! As soon as a week passes, I’m just sleeping on all the cotton I can find. It’s like I forget that my hair needs to be covered in order to last. I can’t seem to figure out why I only cover for the first bit. As soon as I see some fuzz, I’m done! Finito! NO MORE CAPS.
sorry bout the lighting but you get it. it’s new and long and blondish…
Which are you? Diligent hair coverer, or like me, wild with the best intentions of protection? I mean, my hair IS in a protective style already right? That’s not enough?
Call 12044149023 (Winnipeg) if you want to make an appointment for single box braids (like I have) or check out our online store if you’re looking for satin pillowcases. Happy Holidays!