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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


It's Wednesday!

Freshair Boutique


This week I’m featuring Eduard’s Greenery here in Winnipeg! It’s a hidden gem with affordable plants and cutie pots! Today we added a new member to the Okwumabua Plant Bible, meet Rory the rubber plant!


The pot is from Ikea and I think it’s a beautiful combination! What types of plants do you have in your house? I’d love to hear about them, comment below!

It's Wednesday!

Freshair Boutique


Is it too soon to be thinking about baked foods? I mean, it’s still summer… I can’t help it. The planner in me is already looking for new recipes for the colder months. I often love one pot dishes and my photo montage this week is an ode to the skillet!

cheeseburger bake

cheeseburger bake

mexican tempeh bake

mexican tempeh bake

tuna bake

tuna bake

All hail the skillet meal! I would love to get some of your recipes in the comments! Commenting not your thing? Fell free to drop your recipe in our inbox at Happy eating!


It's Wednesday!

Freshair Boutique


Do you think stretching is working out? Like, if you spent 45 minutes really getting sweaty and you never jumped once, would you consider that a ‘workout’? Even that word workout! It sounds so sweaty and hard! There must be other words we can use to name our efforts to be fit. I have been toying with the word “training”. “Sorry I missed your call, I was just finishing up training.”, or “Do you want to meet me later to train?”. You get me, or no?

I had a crazy training session last week where I did stretching for 45 mins and wow! I was really sweaty! It was hard! Guys, yoga is hard! The breathing was tricky, but once you breathe and focus, it helps to keep you going.


Even if you don’t think yoga is considered training, like I do, one cannot deny, it is CHALLENGING! If you’re looking for some challenging fitness training, try some yoga, it’s pretty intense.


It's Wednesday!

Freshair Boutique


shampoo bars for the win

shampoo bars for the win

Bottle none is a product brand we feature in the boutique. Look at this new way of cleansing to be the next thing. No packaging. Zero waste. Fantastic for your hair and your bathroom space. These bars come in an array of types for ALL hair types. The results are incredible!

If you are someone that really feels like sustainability is the new trend, then give these a try! Available in store and on-line!
