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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


It's Wednesday!

Freshair Boutique



Introducing, the OKWUMABUA PLANT BIBLE! How many plants do you have in your home? We are at 36. We lost Tamika (plant) to mite last week so…

I like to name my plants. For me, this adds to how I care for them. Giving them names, sort of humanizes them a little. Does that make sense at all? For example, I have 4 Sansevieria plants. Sebastian, Sarah, Simon and Sandy. It make it easier for me if the plant name and species sort of match. Fergus is our resident fiddle leaf fig, but Fiona is also a fig. Just not a fiddle leaf. Phineaus is our philodendron and he tried to quit us, but I brought him back to life (he loves me now). Monica, our monstera, lost her tiny pot (small child collided with the table she was on) and after I moved her to a bigger pot, she thanked me so much by being the queen I knew she could be!

Monica, our pride and joy

Monica, our pride and joy




Plants are great for air purification and well-being. Give them a try and start with something small and care free like a sansevieria or succulent. Good luck!

It's Wednesday!

Freshair Boutique



There’s something about the feeling of the wind in your hair/face that really fuels my energy. Have you ever tried skate boarding? Honestly, these days, roller skates are the wheels of choice but a skate board?! It’s fun and tricky. Personally, I can’t get enough…


If you live in Winnipeg, check out Scam Skate. Great folks and great service! Also, there’s a skatepark less than 2 blocks from their location on Sargent. Get a board, go for a ride.

It's Wednesday!

Freshair Boutique


The power of the internet! Today’s hair feature is Nicolas Barno. I saw them on a hairstylists ig and became obsessed! I find them so inspiring, and the hair?! THE HAIR! It’s non. Stop. I will try not to overwhelm this post with images of Nicolas, but I can hardly help it! 😍😍😍

Without further ado: Nicolas Barno

nic 1.png
nic 3.jpg
nic 4.jpg
nic 4.png
nic 6.png

* all images from nicolas barno

It's Wednesday!

Freshair Boutique


With the warmer weather approaching, I switch up my menu at home. I usually make soup once a week in the colder months (great meal to double up and freeze half right away). That’s October to now. Starting in May, I exchange my soup making for salad making. My kids like vegetables so, I count myself blessed!

These jarred salads are easy to make, and virtually produce no waste when packaged in an old jar. For a heartier version, replace the lettuce with pasta or do both!

Bon appétit!


It's Wednesday!

Freshair Boutique


I love fashion so much! I love accessorizing and I love coming up with looks. You can see how hairstyling and I work very well together right? For this instalment of fashion, I’m featuring my baby Zo.

Here are some shots of his 2 year old self, he is a gem for letting me dress him and shoot him EVERYDAY! Any of you enjoy dressing your kids? let me know! Honestly, deep down, I think he likes it! Enjoy!
