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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


It's Wednesday!

Freshair Boutique

ECO BOUTIQUE: quick drying hair towel


Give your body towels a full on break and try this towel specific for your hair! There’s just the right amount of material so you won’t have too much material flowing everywhere as you get ready! It’s available in white, polka dot, and this fun banana leaf print.

If your hair is very thick AND long, you might not find this as helpful. It’s perfect for hair as long as 15 inches! Just hang to dry when you are done and store in the bag when you’re travelling or getting around. It’s available everyday online at!


It's Wednesday!

Freshair Boutique


Happy Wednesday! Here is a spot I really love spending time in. We sometimes forget how our spaces heal us and help us grow. Which spot in your home brings you joy?


I love my sitting room, the sun sets here and the orange light she leaves behind is magical. My children and I sometimes relax here and listen to music. The best conversations happen in this room. Hands down my fave place in my home.

Impromptu sitting room photoshoot.  The light in here is bananas…

Impromptu sitting room photoshoot. The light in here is bananas…

Golden hour in the sitting room: Otito

Golden hour in the sitting room: Otito

The baby and I sit in the orange chair and watch the traffic, the bunnies, the crows, and all other forms of life go by. The windows really make this room great and the plants that live here love it as well!

Baby on the run!

Baby on the run!


For all the plant lovers, we will have a tour soon! The fiddle leaf fig here, Fergus, is one of the main features of joy, He’s the best!

Have a good Wednesday!

It's Wednesday!

Freshair Boutique

Sutra Blowout Brush


Let’s face it, we all have no where to go but we still want to look good! The Sutra Blowout Brush is the answer to all your non outing prayers! This brush will give you great volume and a salon look and feel in very little time! You can even just use it on your fringe and the top of your head for those last minute zoom meetings or facetime hangs!

How does it work? Wash/condition your hair and fully towel dry. Apply the proper products for volume and longevity. Take a few minutes to brush your teeth, shave or just tidy up your space. Give your hair a few minutes to air dry and then start the process. Start at the nape and work your way to the top and fringe. Practice *over-directing for that extra volume and use sectioning clips to help isolate the section you are blowing.


You’ll be BLOWN away! ….see what I did there? The Sutra brush is currently on sale for 15% off the original price of $150. Head over to the store and check it out before they are all gone. Don’t forget to buy product as well. Protecting the hair is very important. Good luck!

*the act of pulling your hair in the opposite direction of where you want it, in order to create volume

It's Wednesday!

Freshair Boutique

What? Uashmama?

Basically, uashmama (wash-mama) are reusable paper bags. They come in all shapes, sizes, and forms. I own a laundry basket, storage bags, and grocery totes. Love. Love. Love. You know where you can find some…

If eco friendly things are your jam, and unique things are your jam, then maybe uashmama could be your jam too? It’s never too late to challenge yourself when it comes to the items we purchase. We can always ask ourselves some simple questions. Do I need this? Where and how was it made? Am I supporting a business in my own community? Is it sustainable? How often will I need to replace said product?

Ok, so there were more than just some simple questions there, but as you challenge yourself more, it will become easier. Trust.


It's Wednesday!

Freshair Boutique

Art. If you like..

Flourishing 111

Flourishing 111

Last year was tough on almost everyone in some shape or form. I, like many other folks, spent a lot of time at home and a lot of time sitting and a lot of time thinking. During the first lock down I did a great job of assessing my space and finally tackling those ‘decor jobs’ I had lingering. It felt like a sort of accomplishment, finally being able to enjoy my home.

I had some areas that needed art and like the homo sapiens that I am, I turned to the internet and fell victim to O P T I O N S! Too many options people! That’s the way of the internet, it can be a blessing and a curse! I looked at so much art. It wasn’t that great of an experience actually. It started to feel like it was impersonal and not genuine at all? I don’t know. I can’t explain it. I wasn’t loving the experience till I narrowed my search a little more. “Only focus on artists from Winnipeg.” Boom, just like that I was able to find this lovely gem!

Flourishing 111

Flourishing 111

Christie Peters, artist/designer and old shop manager, made this piece for me. The collection is so beautiful, I want three more! I just told her that I would love yellow in the piece and she took creative license. The result is incredible and to see Flourishing 111 in real life is even more rewarding! The framing is impeccable, and by the size and weight of it, I know I will have this for years to come. Thank you Christie!

Check out margaret jane design, you won’t be disappointed. Trust me.
