Wordless Wednesday
Freshair Boutique
Looking good, working out.
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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog
Looking good, working out.
Let’s get out there!
Could you imagine waking up to this every day?!
OCTOBER! Here we are! Am I the only one who can see Christmas in their sights? Before the snow comes down and we are stuck indoors, let’s take a minute to give pause and thanks for the outdoors. How incredible are these images of our beautiful earth? There are so many times I feel like I’m bothered and bogged down with ‘life stuff’. A solution? Outside! Even though it seams trivial, getting outside, even for a five minute breather, makes a HUGE difference.
I am excited for the leaves and the crisp smell that comes with fall. I like the look of a cold day outdoors just as much as the green lush days of the summer. The bugs are gone, the nights start getting shorter and a fire every weekend makes me feel so comforted. Outside is one of my favourite places to be up until end of October and by November, I’m only outside to use my vehicle and go for a run (I love outdoor running in the winter)
Now that it is getting colder, whats your outdoor maintenance like? Are there a lot of trees in your naighborhood? That scene of the orange, brown, and yellow leaves reminds me of so many things. Change, memory, family… It’s a sign of the things coming up. It also is a sign that you'll need to invest in a leaf blower or some sort of super rake or an abundance of children to aid in the gathering of the leaves.
I have been seeing more and more front yards without grass or any type of foliage that requires upkeep. I think of how barren that yard is devoid of the majestic tree and her leaves. Nonetheless, trees or no trees, the great outdoors really does have a therapeutic effect. And if your city has no smog or issues with pollution, get out there and take a few deep breaths in and out. It’s good for what ails ya!
That’s the fresh perspective…
Cover up!
October is here! We made it through another month! We wanted to launch a bunch of new things this month but alas, corona. New images are coming to the shop and the web, there are new up coming promotions and last but not least, our lovely eco-boutique! These will all happen sometime this month and if things stay the same, the salon will operate on the same protocols as we have been .
Olivia starts this month, Halloween could happen and maybe there will be snow. We are keeping it outdoors this month and considering the cold wether will eventually keep you in, do your best to get out while you can. We are doing a fun skateboarding shoot this month and are also launching some toques! Great accessory for the outdoors…
It’s important to protect your locks from the dropping temperatures and commit to a mask and/or conditioning regimen. Wednesdays we have a lot of fun outdoor inspiration as well as some rants or two (one may or may not be halloween related). Our IG Tv will be popping off with some outdoor commentary from @kittykittykittykittykitty so make sure to give that a watch in your spare time, AFTER you’ve been outside.
Take care of yourself this month and remember to try your best to be kind. Fresh air is good for what ails you.
Have a great Saturday!
Home Gyms!
Change your fitness routine?
While we were off for 7 weeks, I took it upon myself to work on things I could actually control. My fitness became a sweet priority and now, I’m in pretty great shape. As things start to go back to normal, I’m troubled with finding some balance. It’s not really efficient that I work out 7 days a week when I’m working 5-6 days a week without an assistant and without many breaks.
I need to remind myself that I’m still doing pretty good on my fitness track. I decided to change up my programming a little and from now on will attempt to do all my workouts from home or outside. For someone who HATED working out at home, the Pandemic has taught me that it doesn’t matter where I work out, as long as I do so. So far, I’ve been finding ways to get it all in. An easy way, especially if you have kids, is to do something active while your kids are being active as well!
My crew and I are quite active and we do it all together. To be fair, the baby doesn’t do much, but one day he will. While my girls are in a tennis lesson, I go for a run. We all skateboard and play tennis together so that keeps my heart-rate up. We have recently added shooting around at a nearby park to our repertoire. These activities, coupled with a few strong Nike fitness workouts and outdoor runs have really helped to diversify my workouts.
I’m committed to staying at home for now and just need to convince my husband to let me get a heavy bag, or a peloton! ;)
—that’s the fresh perspective…