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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


It's Saturday!

Freshair Boutique

Our Eco-boutique is awesome!


In order to be able to give you the best service, we have been using some items from the new eco boutique. Because we want to make sure each item makes sense we are testing the products as we speak! What is featured you might ask? Here is the list of what we are hoping to carry in October

So at the beginning of this year we made a pledge to be more sustainable and more efficient and less wasteful. We were on that path till, you know what happened…. Anyways, we may be a little behind but we are hoping to provide our clients with is a unique shopping experience curated by us for you!

safety razor

safety razor

As we speak, the Okwumabuas and I are testing a few other items that may appear in the store. We have some beeswax paper, silicone bags, and some options to replace single use plastics. Leah, her mom, Kitty, Kiah and I are testing some reusable hankies as well. I’m excited about these even though the reusable hanky seems like a thing of the past.

you can use this stuff for a looooooong time

you can use this stuff for a looooooong time

The renovations will be complete by the time the store opens so make sure you come down and tell us what you think! Since ‘changes’ is the theme for this month, maybe you’ll be quickened to change a few things in your lifestyle routine and try some of our offerings? Also, if you have any ideas for our store or even some suggestions for replacing saran wrap and ziplock bags, I’m all ears. Leave your suggestions in the comments below!

Have a good Saturday!


The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

You’re doing what?!

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Back to school, back to life, back to reality.  Reality? I don’t even know if I know what that means! What is reality to any of us anymore?

The coronavirus really has done a number on every living being on planet earth. Some things were great (have you seen the photos of Venice?) and some things were terrible (me homeschooling full-time). This pandemic has single handedly decided for all of us that we need to change.  We need to change and we need to accept that sometimes things change.  For some reason, we have been conditioned to think that change is bad.  Change means things won’t be the same and why is that bad? If things were ABSOLUTELY perfect then change would be not-so-good. But let’s be real, things haven’t been good for a very long time and so maybe this is good?


After three weeks of not accepting that I was unemployed and Canada had essentially shut down, I started to let myself accept things just as they were.  Maybe we would be shut down for 3 months?  Maybe I’d be cutting hair out of my home?  Maybe I wouldn’t be able to retire at 55?  So much uncertainty and undoubted change loomed for me as the weeks added up. I started envisioning my life in a whole new way! Bad? In some ways bad, but in other ways good.

change 1.jpeg


Like I said in an earlier post, I love change!  I love to try new hairstyles and I love to try new foods.  I love new experiences and welcome a good shake up.  All this being said, I enjoy change when I can control it.  I enjoy it when I choose it.  Choosing is the funnest as well.  It’s the full on committing to the ‘change’.  It’s a rush! But only when I want it…


So here is the conundrum. I need to change my mindset to look at my change through different lenses and attempt to choose something uniquely different. I often think about my commitment to the environment and how that choice is so easy for me. I have no problem changing my consumption of single use plastics. I made a decision and boom! Done!

Not having control during a pandemic is indeed difficult especially when you’ve been the one controlling and making decisions up until this point. None the less we should accept and attempt to live our lives a little more authentically and with intent intentions. If you haven’t thought about it before, maybe now? Change.

-the fresh perspective…

It's Saturday!

Freshair Boutique


We’re back at it everyone! It’s a new month, and I’m still here doing what I do! For anyone just joining us here, I am Praise. I am the owner of Freshair Boutique, an upscale eco-conscious hair salon in Winnipeg, Manitoba.


I’ve been cutting hair for over 20 years and through my trials and tribulations I have been blessed enough to have been given this platform. My experience is quite vast as I am a mother, wife, full time student, business owner and so much more. Seriously, there is so much more to me!

Two Saturdays a month I will do my best to keep you up to date with salon news and information. Sometimes I’ll have gifts, sometimes I won’t. This month we are focusing on C H A N G E S. School is back on, corona is still keeping us all on our toes, and we are all coming to terms with our new normal.


The new set-up is as follows: On Mondays, the fresh perspective will be my own opinion on all the things a human can have an opinion on! September’s focus is changes. Changes?! That word makes me so happy you don’t even know! From haircut changes to menu changes, I’m here for it all! We aim to try to give you a well rounded experience so please let us know if we are missing the mark. I love a good critique! Each Wednesday is wordless and features images for your viewing pleasure handpicked by me! It’s fun and refreshing. And sweet Saturdays are my salon reports and such. For example, the month of September has three staff birthday wishes! Niasha, Krista and I are all born this month! If you’re in the shop in September send us some well wishes!

September is also bringing us ‘Kwik tips with Kitty’, a new feature on our instagram TV. Be sure to check it out and give us a follow! She will be featured twice a month and has a lot to share. It’ll be a nice CHANGE to our lineup (see what I did there?)… Change is inevitable so why not lean in?

We have some fun stuff coming up this month as I explore changing your mindset and how corona really changed me, as well as some IG before and afters and some health and fitness inspo! Thanks for reading and if you are so inclined, drop me a line!
