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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


Filtering by Category: the fresh perspective---

the fresh perspective...


Let the Holiday Games begin! tumblr_ngmvghy3pp1tn6jtno1_500December is the last month of the year.  It's the month of chaos for its first 23 days.  It's cold, and then it slips into the Holidays and BOOM Happy 2016!!!  As fast as we prepared is as fast as it's over.  Are you ready for the holiday madness?

tumblr_lbcfssPGaz1qdv8q2o1_500I spent some of last night preparing the store for all the holidays.  We are almost ready.  We have some new rings and necklaces from Alberta and some new bangles from Baleen.  There are a few new stationary items and products, products, products!  We have something for everyone.  Really.  We do.

tumblr_ksfanhtnxu1qa5ahvo1_500_large1If you haven't started your holiday consuming, come check us out. ;)   Don't forget to stay in touch for our deals and extended hours in December!  We are on twitter, Instagram and Facebook.  That's the fresh perspective...


the fresh perspective...


HOW'S YOUR HAIR DOING? tumblr_mpkt4uyhm21s21a7wo1_500The cold weather is around the corner!  Are you ready for the extreme temperatures?  Is your hair ready for it?  Now's the time to start a treatment regimen and prepare.  I found this blog that posts the TEN WORST THINGS TO DO TO YOUR HAIR and I think it's a great place to start this winter!

3488d4c90b211b7b0417a96e7a5e646dGood luck and stay warm!  That's the fresh perspective...

the fresh perspective...


How's your hair? Amazing what styling can do!

Summer is officially over here in Winnipeg, and this is the question.  How's your hair?  Our climate is about to take a turn and I just want to know if your hair is ready?  Are your appointments booked?  How much maintenance is that new color you just received or, more importantly, how much did that leave-in mask cost?!

maxresdefaultNow that we are preparing for Halloween and snowy nights let's not forget our beautiful crowns!  In order to escape the dryness and brittleness of -40, you must have a simple regimen that you start right now.  By the time the snow comes, you'll be used to that extra step when attempting to keep your ends from crumbling off.  This is the time to talk to your stylist about some heavier masks or treatments you can start using.  Start now so that by the holidays your hair will be healthy and lustrous.

tumblr_m9dmq8rgvi1qavtp2Everyone wants to have nice hair with very little effort.  The truth is, even a little effort goes a long way.  Take the time to care about your hair, it's just one of many parts that make up who you are.  Love it, be kind and take care.  That's the fresh perspective...

What is fresh?


FRESHAIR BOUTIQUE It's been a while and we have just added a few new staff members!  I was looking through the archives when I found these gems!  These photos were so fun! Thanks for the best times ladies!







That's the fresh perspective...


the fresh perspective...


CHRISTIE Today is the first day of a huge change!  Our manager is on maternity leave and we are officially on our own!  Christie has been an integral part of our growth and development as a new small business and we will miss her.  Cheers to you and we will do you proud! ;)


CHRISTIE- aka 'splitstastic'

Enjoy your time off with your family and see you soon!

That's the fresh perspective...

the fresh perspective...


FOR AL Smile

Smile though your heart is aching Smile even though it's breaking When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by If you smile through your fear and sorrow Smile and maybe tomorrow You'll see the sun come shining through for you

Light up your face with gladness Hide every trace of sadness Although a tear may be ever so near That's the time you must keep on trying Smile, what's the use of crying? You'll find that life is still worthwhile If you just smile

That's the time you must keep on trying Smile, what's the use of crying? You'll find that life is still worthwhile If you just smile

That's the fresh perspective...