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Filtering by Category: the fresh perspective---

the fresh perspective...


Tenacious Talons: Brought to You by Priti NYC's Nail Strengthener

Summer is a season of growth. The sun is full and bright in the sky, vitamin D is a-plenty, and our bodies soak it up like sun-starved cave dwellers. I find that my nails grow faster in the summer, but not stronger, so I've been testing out Priti NYC's nail strengthener to help with that. It is Formaldehyde-free, easy to apply, and quick drying. Priti recommends using it as a base coat under your favorite polish, so I gave it a try under a really beautiful greeny-blue called Water Dragon. The polish adhered really well to it and my nails feel great!

nail-strengthener (from freshboutique)

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

You can find more info about Priti NYC here:

Happy Saturday!



the fresh perspective...


Protect Yourself. shanghaiSummer is officially here!  What are your plans to keep the sun from frying you up?  It's one thing to protect your skin, but what about your hair?  I recommend thing likes hats or scarves.  Anything to keep your hair from the sun's rays especially before 1 in the afternoon (the sun's heat is more damaging in the morning than in the afternoon).


tumblr_m09sz3xtha1qbiu5fo1_500Don't forget to protect your locks with products that contain SPF.  We have a variety of products that can protect your hair.  Kevin Murphy is stocked with young again, anti-gravity, damage manager, and hair resort spray.  One of these should be able to take care of your lovely locks.

tumblr_m4jhg2KoTK1qfp5jso1_500So while you're out in the sun soaking it up, protect your skin AND your hair! That's the fresh perspective...

the fresh perspective...


Fashion nails 26143-Pink-Long-Nails


Nail art has really taken off in the past few years and there are plenty of ladies that are rocking it so nicely.  For me, I go for gel overlays every three weeks and follow-up with a polish change every week till my next fill.  The polish stays on better than a permanent polish, and I can change the color at my discretion.

statement nail


I have dabbled in a statement nail every once in a while, but I don't do nail art.  I guess I work with my hands too much to do something really fancy.  Some of the real artsy nails look great, but I just can't see them on me.  I don't think I'm fancy enough.  Also, I'm a less-is-more kinda gal.

i love this

this not so much

What kind of nails do you like?  If you're ever in the shop and are processing during a color service or are just looking to kill some time, try an express manicure!  It's $18 and a great way to start introducing a little fun.

That's the fresh perspective...


the fresh perspective...


Pure Anada Mascara mascaraIt's review time folks!  We've been carrying this product now for over a year and we're moving it pretty decently.  I am going to be on my third tube in a few weeks and it got me to thinking...

I really love how natural this product is, but I can't say I'm in love with the longevity of this mascara.  It's funny how conditioned we are as North Americans to view value as something that gives you a lot for so little.  The price is good but the mascara doesn't last at all.  Don't get me wrong, it lasts on my face and does a great job making my lashes glorious, but I feel like it dries out and clumps a lot faster than my old chemical filled mascara.  Is that such a bad thing??  No! No it's not.  I may need to buy more tubes of this brand of mascara, but I'm okay with that because I value the quality care that it's ingredients gives my only set of eyes.

my pure anada make-over face

My L'Oréal mascara seemed to stay moist and clump-free (in the tube) FOREVER but it was also full of harmful chemicals like formaldehyde and a boatload of awful preservatives that may slow my eyelash growth and leave me relying on eyelash extensions in my forties.  What am I saying?  I'm saying that even though this product may not last, and you may feel like every other time you're in the shop you're buying another tube, it's okay.  Don't sweat it.  You're supporting a local Canadian business and supporting your peepers and eyesight.  Like I mentioned in a post a year ago, there's something to be said about knowing that your hard-earned money is doing good things.  Even if it is only for your face...

That's the fresh perspective...

the fresh perspective...


Odacité Odacite-Pure-Elements-Family-Pics-dropper-right-e1384291821805Odacité is a skin care line out of France that we are thinking of carrying in the new store.  It falls in line with our philosophy and has so many great benefits for those of us who are environmentally conscious.  Any of you ever heard about it?  It's basically the best.  I sampled the balancing toner and one of the pure elements oils for three days and could not believe the results.  I will say that I am very fortunate to have decent skin, but considering this is the only face I'll have till I'm deceased, I thought that I should prepare a regime for myself.

cr fashion bookI am a Norwex cloth user and then follow up with some body lotion.  Yup, I put body lotion on my face!  It's crazy, I'm lazy...  What I've decided to do was order some full-sized products. I bought the toner and oil and added it to my regime and then added the facial moisturizer.  I'm completely pleased and satisfied, and I want everyone to try this product.  What we're going to do is get some samples in and let you guys try.  The full line is quite extensive but we are thinking of getting the oils.  There are 18 vials and each have specific purposes.

Odacite Private Collection family pictureMy question is, what's your skin regime?  How much do you spend on your facial routine?  Do spend anything?  Are you like how I used to be and don't really value the time and care spent in a skincare routine?  I urge you to think twice about your routine because, as I mentioned earlier, it's the only skin you have...  That's the fresh perspective...