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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


Filtering by Category: the fresh perspective---

the fresh perspective...


A CHANGE 'GON COME... quoteWe're knee-deep in to 2014 and there's a lot going on this year for Freshair Boutique.  We're looking to do a little expanding and changing the look of our shop from the roota to the toota.  I too am expanding and will be changing my schedule come September, yikes!  For someone who is always 'up for something new', I am feeling a little nervous.  Change is good but also scary...

tumblr_ml1v40uX5q1rxh9hco1_500What makes change so terrifying?  From moving cities, to giving birth.  New hair styles to new jobs.  From renovations to huge financial decisions...  All these types of changes are, in my opinion, an attempt to better our lives in one way or another.  But why does it feel like it's somehow going to end badly?

tumblr_kstp8wJmGJ1qztsrto1_500You what folks? I don't have all the answers.  I'm just here to shed a little light, offer some perspective, and hopefully open your eyes to a different way of looking at things.  I always love to hear people give their opinions because it helps me see things differently and opens my mind to new possibilities.

I wasn't always up for listening to other people's opinions about most things because I always thought that I was right.  Even now, sometimes I have to check myself when I think that my way is the only way and the best way.  I have a lot of ideas about how things should be and how things should go.  I am changing though.  I have to if I want to make the best out of the one life I have been given.  Are you changing?  For the better?  That's the fresh perspective...


the fresh perspective...


YOU THINK YOU KNOW, BUT YOU HAVE NO IDEA.... valen1I'm just going to rant for a teeny bit ( not too long...).  Last night I went to see Off the Beaten Path: Women, Violence and Art at the WAG.  It was very intense and made me think of many, many things... Most of all I thought about WOMEN.  What a special group of people we are! I mean, seriously!  I applaud all of us and I'll say that I don't acknowledge our gender enough.


We do so much on a day-to-day basis and even if you aren't a wife or mother, you're probably a sister or daughter so you still qualify to be great!  I am a woman who wears many hats but it seems to me that I receive the most praise (no pun intended) for the things I have become and not the person/woman I am.  Before I was a wife and a mother and a business owner, I was just a girl, a young woman, Praise.  No one seemed to tell me how fabulous I was then...


Fast forward many years, and after the mother/wife label I'm all of a sudden soooo much better than the Praise I was?  I mean, okay, my life has become more complicated but I think we should hi-five all the ladies, single ones and married ones.  Let's send a shout-out to the mothers and the non-mothers, let's give a hip-hooray for the full-time working chicks and the ones that don't get paid to work.  We need to focus on supporting each other even if we don't have the 'proper titles' yet.  The fact that we are women is reason enough to celebrate us.

do you cook?

Don't hesitate to support or complement a lady you know.  No matter what she does, or how she lives, she could use some encouraging words.  We all can.  That's the fresh perspective...


the fresh perspective...


SPRING IS HERE?! tumblr_lu8xm96kL11qc6vgqo1_500_largeWe're officially into spring (so says the Gregorian calendar) and in Winnipeg it's hard to believe that there will be an end to the 'polar vortex'.  I had been away for the past week and even where I visited had extremely cold weather.

tumblr_m0yftrhdzA1qeh7qso1_400While I was away, I learned about how to become an expert on blonde hair and I'm dying to get some lightener on some clients (stay tuned for my 'blonde expert' advice).  Blonde hair makes me think of warmth, summer, tans, and bronzers...  I feel like it'll take forever to see grass and to throw my feet into Birkenstocks again.

springnails_tumblr_largeWhat are your summer plans this year?  Is the weather where you are living as bad as the weather in Winnipeg, Manitoba?  Do you have any spring aspirations?  Today I'm going to paint my nails a nice light color and pretend that my lady spring will be here soon.... I'm not going to hold my breath though, that's the fresh perspective...

the fresh perspective...



bad-customer-serviceWith all this talk of expansion, it got me thinking about how we run our business at Freshair Boutique.  I wonder how people rate us or even if they think we give good service?  From when they walk in till when they walk out, are they satisfied with the amount they were charged?  Would they come back?  Would they recommend a friend?

33952A few weeks back we had a complaint from a client in regards to the specific service they were booked for.  They emailed us promptly and told us their issue.  I was grateful.  I feel like most times we are unhappy with bad service or a botched service, we don't tell the business why we were unhappy, we just don't return for any other services.  Herein lies the problem, how can we rectify anything if no one wants to speak up about the way their haircut went, or that they were never greeted, or whatever it may have been to ruin their experience.

tumblr_mkhwqy4vru1rq5vgjo1_500It's tricky but we're looking for new ways to try to track how every customers experience is.  We want to really be different and really make a difference.  Do you speak up?  If you were unhappy about any type of service did the business know about it?  Any tips or tricks you can give to try to track how we're doing?  I'd love some suggestions and hope that anyone who frequents our establishment will have enough guts to tell us if we need improvement.  Let's face it, we could always improve on something.  That's the fresh perspective...


the fresh perspective...


A poem tumblr_m06gasLd0j1qbb148o1_500

The sun was warm but the wind was chill. You know how it is with an April day When the sun is out and the wind is still, You're one month on in the middle of May. But if you so much as dare to speak, A cloud comes over the sunlit arch, A wind comes off a frozen peak, And you're two months back in the middle of March.

Robert Frost (1874–1963) Two Tramps in Mud Time (1936)

The weather has got me down.  I'm not sure if the end is even near... March, be good to us...

That's the fresh perspective...



the fresh perspective...



Wowee!  I can't believe that it's been four years!  It's been an unbelievable experience and I couldn't have made it to this point without all the wonderful ladies that work with me everyday!

CHRISTIE (manager)

This woman is an incredible person and I feel lucky to be exposed to her persona on a daily basis.  If you could spend some serious time with Christie I think it would quicken you to want to be a better person.  She just has this way about her that makes you want MORE.  I know she is an integral reason in the way we've grown over the past years.  Christie, you inspire me to grow because you make me want MORE for the shop, and the clients that visit us, and the staff that work here.  I love you.

TESSA (receptionist)

You really got the hang of the receptionist gig at Freshair and I applaud your quick learning skills.  It isn't easy to do all you do for us, and then you do more.  Remeber sitting in my chair as a young lady?  Now you are ringing our clients through.  You've really come into yourself in these past few months and I'm glad that I got to see you blossom.  You are a gem Tessa and I'm glad you've stuck with me for this long... I love you.

AMY (stylist)

Amy Michelle.... Amy Michelle.  You've known me the longest on a personal level and I just want you to know that whatever you do, and wherever you go in life, I will always be somewhere close by.  It would take hell and high water for you to get rid of me.  I just need you to know that.  You are a permanent fixture in my life from now till whenever we cease to exist.  You are loved by me.

ANDRÉE (stylist)

You have brought something into Freshair that is remarkable.  Amidst all of our silliness and frivolity you bring a gentle nurturing.  It sounds so cliché Andrée, but it is the honest truth.  Your love for life, and your simplicity and patience, are something that I truly admire and I know that one day you will be something of importance to many people.  For one, you are someone of importance to me.   Je prends le temps de réfléchir davantage. C'est ce que vous avez fait. Je t'aime.  Merci, merci, merci.

CHLOE (stylist)

My young assistant turned stylist.  Look at you!  Look! You warm my heart in the most sincere way.  I love you and I don't think you even know how much.  I wish there was another way to express it and another way to show you.  You make me proud everyday Chloe.  Please don't change too much as you grow into a woman.  The world needs your type of casualness, we all do...

OLIVIA (stylist)

You are a new member and I hope that you can feel like you made a good decision joining our team.  I feel like we couldn't have filled that chair with a better lady.  I'm hoping that the upcoming years will lead you into more of a fulfilling position with us and you will have all your heart desires.  With your type of drive and ambition, I believe you can do anything.  It sounds cheesy but I'm in your corner.  Don't forget that.

HEATHER (Aesthetician)

You saved us Heather!  I knew you were out there and I didn't want to give up looking.  I'm elated that you chose us to take this journey with.  In your interview you shared with me some of your hopes, dreams and goals.  I want Freshair to be able to help you get there.  It's been only a few weeks, but what I've seen has given me so much confidence in you! Welcome! I hope you like it here!


NEW CREW...(sans Heather)

Jacqui, Crystal, Brittany, Lisa, Maegan, Ashley, Emmanuel, Pascale, Renée, Rochelle, Choice, Jill, and Rhema (I hope I got everyone, if not, I'm so sorry).  All of you have worked at Freshair at one point or another and some of you still do (sort of).  Don't you even think for a second that I forgot about you guys!  For many reasons you are no longer a part of the staff, but in my heart, you are always part of my team.  I appreciate you guys and hope for the best for each and every one of you.  For you guys? A haiku...


I'm proud, I'm pleased, we made it another year.  Thanks to all of you that support us as well.  From suppliers to clients, and even all of you on the inter-web, I am eternally grateful!


That's the fresh perspective...

Photos: Brittany Hildebrandt Photography, Tristan Fast Photography, and 26 Merton Road