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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


Filtering by Category: health & wellness

the fresh perspective...


FOR AL Smile

Smile though your heart is aching Smile even though it's breaking When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by If you smile through your fear and sorrow Smile and maybe tomorrow You'll see the sun come shining through for you

Light up your face with gladness Hide every trace of sadness Although a tear may be ever so near That's the time you must keep on trying Smile, what's the use of crying? You'll find that life is still worthwhile If you just smile

That's the time you must keep on trying Smile, what's the use of crying? You'll find that life is still worthwhile If you just smile

That's the fresh perspective...

the fresh perspective...


Too hot! Thermometer-537x358Now that we are into the swing of things (temperature wise), what plans do you have for your hair's protection?  Are you ready for sun?  The damage that can be caused to your unprotected hair can be controlled!  You just need to know a few simple things.

1) Wear a hat.  This type of protection is the best and keeps the sun rays directly OFF your locks.  You may be hot but your hair will thank you.

2) Try to use products that contain SPF.  If you can't wear a hat, this is the next best thing.

tumblr_maupylR5W11qjq7auo1_1280KEVIN+MURPHY+YOUNG+AGAIN+AND+SHIMMER+SHINE+SPRAYIn all your comings and goings this summer, please do not forget to protect your locks.  That's the fresh perspective...

the fresh perspective...



We had an in-salon class on Tuesday about consultations.  We really focused on the things that need to happen when you meet a client for the first time.  The way we had been conducting our 'first-time' experiences were okay, but not great.  With the help of Kevin Murphy educator, Timothy Durant, we were able to learn how to better serve our clients.

11426452_915645051812652_987896315_nHow are your salon experiences?  What do you expect from your local spot?  As a paying customer, what do you want out of your one hour haircut appointment?  Were you well taken care of?  Did your stylist explain processes, manage your expectations, and solve your hair problems?  Were you satisfied?  Does it even matter to you? There are so many salons out there and it's hard to know which one is best for you.  We want anyone that is a client of ours to feel like they are our number one priority and their hair even more so.  We want to help you achieve all your hair dreams.  We want to serve you.  If you've ever been by our shop and have any suggestions for us, drop us a line or leave a comment.  We are here for you (and your hair).  That's the fresh perspective...

the fresh perspective...


PRODUCT REVIEW FullSizeRenderIt's that time again!  I've been on the hunt for a really good heavy lotion/cream to take care of my legs and ashy feet.  This whole time it was in my shop!  We have been carrying some Pure Anada products for a while and I was recommended to try this for my dryness.  It has changed my feet and my life!

raw-shea-butterThis Product is INCREDIBLE!  I slather it on in the morning and my feet (mostly my heels) stay moisturized into the night!  I've never had this happen before!  I'm in love.  Okay let's get to the nit and the grit:


-super conditioning

-nice scent

-locally produced

-affordable ($14)

-easy to stuff in any bag/purse

-fair trade


-small (4 oz)

-very heavy/greasy

hands-feet-nails1Whether you choose to use this product on your legs and feet only, or your hands, it will reduce any skin issue.  It's recommended for all parts of the body, even the face!  If you're one that doesn't like greasy products use less and massage it in more.  I also read that you can put it on your skin just before you leave the bath/shower and you'll be soft and smooth all day!  I'm going to try that next...

Next time you're in the shop try one of the testers!  You won't regret it!  That's the fresh perspective...


the fresh perspective...



Every Thursday I paint my nails.  I'll try any color, I'm not afraid.  What I didn't realize about my new habit, was that it would turn me into a hand model!


IMG_4851IMG_4790Maybe my lack of hair has really allowed me to experiment with other things?  Is there anything you do weekly that's just for you?  Any 'self' stuff?  I know some women who do fancy hair treatments and others that take exquisite baths.

IMG_5019I do my nails (never my cuticles) and unwind as they dry.  It really is restful actually.  Enjoy the weekend and try to relax a little if you can.  I will work on paying attention to my cuticles...

That's the fresh perspective...