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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


Filtering by Category: aesthetics

the fresh perspective...


Support The people in our lives that help us do what we do should know that we appreciate them.  I feel like it's a given.  I'd like to thank every single client who has ever patronized our shop since we were born 5 years ago.  We turn 5 on Monday and are celebrating at the shop ALL DAY Tuesday.  Come down and check it out!  Come say hi!  Come get a tour!  Come and have some snacks and fancy drinks!  Come and wish us well!

IMG_4404 IMG_4408 IMG_4405We really love you guys! Thank you!  That's the fresh perspective....


the fresh perspective...


WE ARE HIRING! IMG_3959Wanna work in our new space?!  We are looking for a few good people.  If you know anyone looking for work, send them down to our shop with a resume.  We are looking to fill 3 positions.  We need a receptionist, a licensed esthetician, and a licensed hairstylist.

IMG_5066We're looking for someone who is hard-working, experienced with social media, and likes to have a good time.  Is that you?  Do you know anyone?  If you do, send 'em.  Thanks guys!  That's the fresh perspective...

12 days of Christmas


tumblr_mde5z4SByE1rkia8ro1_500Here we are!  And for the first time ever we're going to give you guys 12 days of Freshair sweetness!  Starting December 9th we will have a sweet deal to bring to you and yours during this season.  For 12 days we will present you with the new deal a day! I'll give you a wee hint of what we may be offering on the 9th.


So maybe we'll see you around the shop sometime.  Be safe guys, there's a lot of snow here...

