We have been on a waxing/hair growing (for waxing) kick at the salon as of recent. Therefore, as you can imagine, there are no shortages of opinions about the topic. I am a HUGE fan and supporter of this hair removal process. Not only do I have experience as a professional in waxing, but also as a client. I, personally have been getting my eyebrows waxed since I was thirteen years old. That means I'm going on 13 years of ripping hair from my body. Wowza.
I must give my mother credit for taking me for my first appointment to tame the wild beast of eyebrows I once had. There was a catch though, I WAS NOT allowed to tweeze in between my appointments otherwise it was no longer covered by momma's pocket-book. The young, teenager in me knew I didn't want to spend my hard-earned babysitting money on something like a wax. Especially when I could go to the movies with my friends. To this day, I cannot thank my mom enough.
I will admit that there are many pros and cons to any type of waxing service. I wrote a short list of each in hopes of helping you understand why I believe getting waxed by a professional is a great choice.
- waxing is a quick service
- the results last for weeks at a time, no tweezing needed (or recommended)
- hair becomes sparser and thinner
- you don't get razor burn! thank goodness.
- you let the professionals do what they do best (for example: shaping of your brows)

- it costs money, but trust me, it won't break the bank.
- time and scheduling (most of us have a hard time keeping up with life as is)
- regrowth...it takes a lot of patience at the beginning to get used to process of waxing and seeing those hairs grow in.
- pain! i know, i know, you are ripping hair from the root. just remember, END RESULT as well as how quickly the service goes by.
- ingrown hairs (waxing's worst fear), but these can be resolved!

With these pros and cons laid out, the best advice I can still give you is to go talk to your Esthetician. He/she is best to explain everything in detail and in person on how to go about, AND keep up with your waxing routine. I can't stress that enough, because there are rules you need to follow to get the BEST end results possible. For example, no tweezing in between, proper exfoliation, no scented products, and absolutely no shaving or other hair removal services etc. I am so proud and happy for some of my clients right now for sticking with it. We've developed a goal, and are continuously seeing results which is incredibly rewarding for both parties involved.
