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Filtering by Tag: love

the ramblings of a chronic over thinker

Freshair Boutique

is it time for love? yes, yes it is time.

so beautiful

did you know that there are many types of love? eros, philia, storge, and agape are just a few. agape love is unconditional and is the most displayed love i think or maybe the most spiritual? it’s the love i should have for donald trump and company, because he is a person on earth, just like me. it’s difficult to focus on love in these times and it’s difficult to send love to folks we may not feel a connection to.


more yes!

family love warms my heart

my post today is just a friendly reminder about love and loving each other as much as we can. this month of love, ‘diversity’, and cold isn’t the only time we should look towards love. we should do it every month! here are partial lyrics to a song about love that reminds me to stay focused on loving. i hope it helps you as much as it has helped me. it’s an old song, but the message makes me emotional every time i here him sing it. enjoy!


So many things I've got to tell you
But I'm afraid I don't know how
'Cause there's a possibility that
You'll look at me differently
Ever since the first moment I spoke your name
From then on I knew that by you being in my life
Things were destined to change cause

So many people use your name in vain
Those who have faith in you sometimes go astray
Through all the ups and downs, the joys and hurts
For better or worse I still will choose you first

The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

It's a brand new year and we've taken a moment to think about how fortunate we all are. Praise has welcomed a brand new healthy baby boy - who’s name is in fact not Gary, but Zieohanachidi (Zo for short) - and we all have so many things to be thankful for. The people we surround ourselves with, the job that we love, all of the miscellaneous possessions we have been fortunate enough to afford - the list could go on. This got us thinking.


After brainstorming with our staff, we've decided we want to show some support for our city. We are all contributing and accepting item donations to Main Street Project for the rest of January and all of February. Please see the list below for their item shortages. Please bring in any of the following to receive a 10% discount on your service. Don't have anything booked but still want to donate? Save your discount for a future appointment or use it toward a product purchase! Stay tuned on our social media for reminders!

Let's show Winnipeg some love. Everybody deserves to have water, warm feet, and all of life's necessities.


Most In Demand Items:

  • New underwear

  • New or gentle used socks

  • Bottled water

  • Coffee 

  • Sugar and coffee whitener 

Please know that there are many other items to donate. If you are looking for inspiration, take a look at their website here.

-that's the fresh perspective...

The Fresh Perspective

Freshair Boutique

Let’s just be NICE.

A New Year can be looked at as a way to start fresh or gain a new outlook. Sometimes, all the things that are happening in this world can really start to weigh you down. They can make you feel like there's few good, genuinely nice people left. BUT, let me stop you there! Take a minute to think about how many amazing people that are in your life, or people you've spent time with throughout your life. Or even how many times a stranger has done something so small, but made you smile.

Let's make a point of being nice, friendly people. If something happens to you where you feel angry, take a minute to think about it and realize it's not worth wasting your energy over. For example, how many times when driving do you feel anger creep up on you when someone cuts you off or is driving 20 kms under the speed limit? (Or, is that just me...). It's not worth wasting energy on things you cannot control. Maybe that driver is having a bad day. You just never know what's going on in someone else's life. Being nice to that stranger, friend, family member, may just make the biggest difference in their day.


A new thing I am looking forward to trying out is random acts of kindness. I want to buy the coffees for the car behind me in a drive thru, send flowers to my mom just to say thank you, I want to donate to a shelter and help those in need.

Let’s make the world a better place, one random act of kindness at a time!

-that’s the fresh perspective…

How To: Stop The Monday Blues

Freshair Boutique

one. Identify the problem.

Is there a lingering thought in your mind that seems overwhelming as you begin each week? Whether it's an unfinished project, an unfinished conversation or a work related issue. Take some time to get to the bottom of this to ease that anxious feeling at the beginning of each week.


two. Get enough sleep.

Sometimes weekends can seem busier than your week. This is a recipe for disaster for the upcoming week. Make sure you get enough sleep on the weekend as they really are there to help you recharge.


three. Be positive.

If you go into a week with a bad attitude, you're going to have a bad week. Or, at least a bad start to your week. Monday is just another day and will be over before you know it! If you go into the day ready for action, the chances of it flying by will be much more likely.


four. Make someone else happy.

The feeling of bringing joy to someone, making them smile, may be just what you need to snap you out of your Monday funk. Bring a co-worker their favourite coffee, tell a friend how much you love them, or make your [family, spouse, partner, kids] their favourite dinner. Even the smallest gestures make a difference and will make you feel happier while making someone else smile.


five. Dress like a pro.

If you go into Monday with a drab outfit you may not be able to help but feel a little sluggish. Try spicing up your wardrobe and wearing some bright fun colours, or adding a bright tuque. This is an easy way to put a little pep in your step.

six. Turn up the tunes!

Monday's are allowed to feel like a party. Get that speaker on and rock out while you get ready or while you drive to work. Seriously, this works.

seven. surround yourself with positive people.

- It really makes a difference who you surround yourself with. Always feel like so and so is putting a damper on everything, regardless of the topic? Maybe spend less time socializing with that person, or, check in with them to see if everything is okay. It's draining to complain or be around a complainer. If it were me, I'd prefer to know I was doing it so I could snap out of it!


eight. book a hair appointment ;)

Book in for a Monday blow dry and let our stylists work their magic hands on your head & hairs. Call 204-414-9023, we have a few stylists working on Mondays.

What makes Monday's easier for you? Do you love your job? Your co-workers? We want to know!


the fresh perspective...

Freshair Boutique

You’re probably all desperate to find out what all of us here at Freshair LOVE about the holidays… So, ask no more. We’ve got all our favourite parts listed right here!


Kitty: “Waking up & going to my stocking to see what Santa left… Also pouring a coffee with Baileys & Boney M.”

Kiah: “Listening to vinyl with my family and taking turns choosing the tunes!”

Danika: “I like Starbucks holiday drinks. hehe… And spending time with family or whatever.”


Niasha: “Having the whole family together and eating ALL the food and baking.”

Olivia: “All the nostalgia! Bing Crosby, Home Alone, Shortbread cookies, all the good, cozy feelings.”

Chelsea: “Everyone’s jolly Christmas ‘spirit’!! Christmas music, being with all my loved ones and looking back on the past year and looking forward to the next. Oh the memories!”

Praise: “I like to eat, drink & make merry! We watch a lot of sports and stuff our faces with random foods that I make.”

Leah: “Getting together with family & friends and letting good times flow with endless food and bevs! Watching my nieces & nephew have the time of their lives on Christmas morning always makes my heart melt


the fresh perspective...

Freshair Boutique

There is no denying that the holiday season is largely about giving and receiving gifts. At least in our part of the world. Whether we like it or not, society seems to shove it in our face, everywhere we go, as soon as November 1st hits. As much as we all know that these holidays did not originate this way, this has been the portion of these holidays that we have latched onto and emphasized.


Sure, most of us have very fond memories of opening gifts or wrapping presents for our family and friends. I would have to call bluff on anyone who tried to claim they hate the gift part of the holidays. But can we still enjoy the season sans presents?

There are definitely many other magical parts of the holiday season. Walking through your neighborhood with some hot chocolate to check out all the lights, a big fat feast with all your favorite humans, those classic holiday songs that bring back all the nostalgia, the list goes on. Seeing a tree with gifts underneath does instill a feeling of excitement but at the end of the day, is never the best part of the holidays. If I had to choose between watching Home Alone and giving up gifts, I would choose Kevin McCallister every time.


Memories with humans and nostalgia from those memories are a feeling that can never be replaced by receiving an object. I’m not trying to convince anyone to give it all up but we do tend to get a little carried away. Try choosing an activity to do with your loved one in lieu of purchasing something. Those memories will last way longer than an Apple Watch.


-the fresh perspective