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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


Filtering by Category: Rant

Ashlie's Aesthetic



Makeup is a big part of the social media and part of our daily routines nowadays. I love that makeup is a great way to express self creativity! I own a lot of different brands of makeup and have a lot of product that I don't necessarily use every day but I enjoy having all types so I can change my look regularly.  Prepare for mini rant :)



I wear makeup for me and only me and my look changes depending on whether I'm going to work, out to do errands or if I'm going out for the evening. I get lots of compliments on it, sure, but I wear it on a daily basis and I typically have a different variation of a smokey eye because I like how it looks. But if I miss one day because I slept in or just didn't feel like putting eye shadow on that day... I always get the question.... "are you sick?". Nope. I was just lazy this morning or I'm having a bad makeup day. And the reverse of this question also bothers me when I say, "oh I think I'm getting sick, etc."...."hmmmm. you don't look sick." Well there's a reason for that, I put effort into my look everyday to look presentable for the industry I work in. It's very frustrating because we get told that we look better with a natural look vs makeup on and then when we have the natural look we get told you're not as pretty or you're prettier with makeup on. We live in a world that too much bullying and cyber bullying goes on that we should be helping each other feel great about ourselves and love who we are. (I know...really cheesy but it's true!) So whatever your reason for wearing or not wearing makeup is, own it because at the end of the day if you feel more comfortable because of it, that's all that matters!


Ashlie's Esthetic


Those skin products everyone needs....


With it being the start of a new year, people start changing different things about their daily routine, eating habits, or just habits in general. So why not start the new year off right with a great skin cleaning routine! As an esthetician, I feel that there are certain products every girl needs to help get their skin feeling amazing. I stick to 3 things: a cleanser, a toner and a moisturizer. These 3 things have helped keep my skin feeling clean and refreshed while looking great.

At the end of the day.... everyone has a different skin type. Products that work for me or your friend may not be the right products for your skin, it's always best to talk to a professional and figure out what will work best for you!


Cleanser: Best used twice a day, morning and evening. Cleansers are a great way to clean the skin from makeup and impurities. Cleansing helps remove access oil and gives a refreshing feel to the skin. I change up my cleansers every couple of months or even a every couple weeks, your skin gets used to the same products being used on a regular basis and you won't see the same benefits over time. I love using a scrub cleanser because it's also removing dead skin and keeps my pores unclogged. Also, by not removing your makeup at the end of the day.... you're clogging pores and aging your skin more than it needs too.

Toner: They're great for smoothing and hydrating the skin, as well as a great way to prep the skin for a moisturizer. Everyone has a different skin type, so trying to find one that works for you can be tricky. But once you do, you'll enjoy the benefits of having it. I use a tea tree toner, it helps keep breakouts at bay. I highly suggest staying away from any toners containing alcohol or strong fragrances as it can be drying and irritating on sensitive skin types.

Moisturizer: A great way to finish up your skin regime. Depending on the type of moisturizer you get, you may need to use it during the daytime vs the night. Any moisturizers containing SPF of any kind will help shield your skin from UV rays; they'll be beneficial to use during the day, I would recommend using a different moisturizer in the evening. Sometimes I find that moisturizers are too heavy or give me an oily complexion throughout the day, so I just use mine after my cleaning routine in the evening.

And a little side tip if you didn't already know..... Drinking lots of water is a great plus for you skin!


the fresh perspective...


XEvcdFour of my co-workers and I saw a play last night that was, well, incredible.  Two clients were in it and we thought we would check it out.  Butcher, the play we saw was so moving (we laughed and we cried) that it's made me want to post about it!  I know that sounds so cliche but it's the truth.

pte_butcher_playpageI won't give anything away but it made me realize how blessed I am.  This play made me want to remind us all to be present in the things we do and say.  Let's be present when we're with each other and not our cell phones.  Let's take the time to really appreciate each other and be with each other.  Sometimes life can be so hard but I always try to remember that at least I have it.  My life.  It's unique and it's all mine.  Even when things seem hazy and painful, I can't help but think of how so many humans live their lives in hostile conditions and environments.  Wow.  I'm just so thankful and grateful to be given this specific life.

If you've never experienced a play, I urge you to go.  It's so real and there is absolutely nothing like it.  Live a little...

That's the fresh perspective...

the fresh perspective...


I AM NOT MY HAIR IMG_4796I would like to have a bit of an open discussion about hair.  To be more specific, a **black woman's hair.  I've been styling for over 15 years and have never felt that my hair was defining me everyday.  When I cut it off a few months back, I didn't realize the backlash that would ensue... My husband hated it, and some clients felt like I would be making a huge mistake.  Some people even said, 'too bad, she's a pretty girl...'.  I'm not sure I understood that when I was born, it was my duty to choose only hairstyles that would be comforting to all the human beings on earth.  Me choosing to cut my hair has offended some...  I didn't realize that cutting off MY OWN HAIR, would bring so many opinions up.

IMG_1561What I find truly confusing is how many people have told me that they think it looks great!  Are they lying?  Do they think I went too far?  My question to you is this, "Does your hair make you who you are?".  Do you agree with the fact that society has tried to mold us to feel like if we don't do things this way then that will happen?  Are any of you black ladies in agreement with me or not?  Do you think your hair is you? White ladies, do you think that hair is that important or not?  Also boys, what say you here?  Do you feel like I've touched on something?


One of my co-workers told me of a story of a young white girl who had braids done in her hair and so many black girls lashed out saying, 'you gotta take our hairstyle too?!  why can't we have our own thing?'.  Ummmm, WHAT?!  No race or nationality owns hair!  You own your hair and no one else...  I'd really like to know what y'all think, Caucasian and African American/Canadian or any other race for that matter...

That's the fresh perspective....

**I use the term 'black' and 'white' loosely.  I do not mean to offend anyone, I'm just not the best typist and find using those terms easier on my fingers than using the terms Caucasians or African American/Canadian.  I know the terms used in this article are not politically correct and once again I mean not to offend.**

Just a bit of info...


IMG_4959This instagram image sparked a bit of controversy over the last weekend.  It's difficult to know how people feel about decor choices but as one disgruntled follower commented, we started to think that maybe some of you were also wondering.  We are an Eco-friendly hair salon.  We never said ever that we were vegans/vegetarians.  We never once said that we don't eat meat.  What we have said is that we are a full service hair salon with an Eco-friendly edge.  Cow hide rugs are in fact very Eco-friendly.


It did cross my mind while I was purchasing the rugs, that maybe some people would take offense.  What I didn't anticipate, was an individual going to great lengths to slag our business because of decor choices.  I welcome any criticism about the service we provide or the experience you receive when you come into our shop.  That I can deal with.  But when someone can insinuate that we are liars because of a choice I made in decorating my shop, it makes me want to clear the air.

Cow hide rugs are great because no part of the cow is wasted and the process that the hides go through are way less abrasive than the process of manufacturing carpets or other types of material rugs.  Material rugs also CANNOT last a lifetime like the hide rugs can so  that means you are having to purchase them over and over.  They carry dirt and dander and can be stained with any type of food or beverage.  The hides are hair and therefore cannot be stained and are easy to clean.

This link also has some more information if you choose to learn a little more about the hide rug.  For the record, we like to keep our social media feeds positive and uplifting so if you would like to slag our shop on social media, we will take it down.  If there is anything you'd like to tell us you can feel free to call or email.  Have a great week!


Let's go back


the_cosby_show It is Black History month.  I'd like to mention one of my favorite T.V. families.  Even though Bill Cosby's current state on earth is quite negative, I would like to pay tribute to The Cosby show.


I loved Claire Huxtable.  I loved her relationship with Cliff and I especially loved Denise.  Lisa Bonet's character basically shaped my teens.  I owe my fearlessness in fashion to her. Her hair and fashion were so unique and original in the early nineties. tumblr_lrhrcpfC171qfdxpto1_500They don't make T.V. like they used to.  Whenever I watch past episodes with my young people, I'm taken back to a time when things were simple.  No internet, no cell phones.  Social media meant watching T.V. or a movie with a group of people.  The only people who 'liked' you, you actually knew them personally.

Cosby kids now

What takes you back?
