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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

So fresh and So clean!

Hi-hi to everyone that cares about our blog! I am back on! Full disclosure, I’m back in school and for some reason, that helps me focus on writing. My classes finish in April so here’s to hoping the posts continue past that! Ha! I make no promises…

As most of you know, new years bring on new goals, challenges and dreams. That’s the same for the shop as well! Since the pandemic, and the changing of our lives, much has shifted. Our goal to have an eco-friendly boutique was stymied by the pandemic and the new and strained shopping habits of absolutely eveyone. Now that we all seem to be back on track, the boutique is as well! We found some new items for all of you to try as well as some new gift ideas and joy bringing jems!

moisturizer? sunscreen? you use this stuff?

There will be a new skin care line we will be revealing next month for our birthday celebration. We have been on Academy Rd. for 14 years and are honoured to still be a part of this street and it’s surrounding community. Come check us out on the 23rd of February and celebrate 14 years with us!


….aaaand if you wanna bring ME joy, like this, comment or share! 😉

The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

Holidays! Who’s on one?

love these old school luggages

I’ve been holidaying now for 8 days and it’s been amazing! The cabin we rented had an incredible beach that kept everyone entertained. My time at the cabin is solely for unplugging, relaxing and resting. Because I’m not doing much of anything, packing is a breeze and the Virgo in me has all the items ready to go waaaay before I need to… My poor children…

this is an ultimate dream holiday for me… I do like a little more green though…

We will be taking the rest of the month to explore Manitoba and all she has to offer us. Might hop on over to Kenora if the mood strikes but the kids are interested in exploring our own province. Souris, Carberry, maybe even Carmen! I am excited to pause and to explore. How often do you unplug or take time off? I hope you don’t spend all your holiday time out of Canada(cause she’s not a bad country, terrain-wise), but if you do, enjoy every minute of it!

If you want to give any suggestions to the Okwumabuas explore Manitoba and more ( I just made that up 😝) drop it in the comments and if you want to make me smile, subscribe below!


Don’t forget to protect your hair and skin from the sun!😎

The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

I love hats! What a wonderful way to express oneself! Apart from also be a fashion statement, hats are integral for sun protection. I used to think it would make me hot until I realized how much shade it provided! I also didn’t realize how much sun lightens hair. Did you know that some intense sun exposure is similar to getting a set of highlights? It’s hot!

Anyways, this post is about hats. Enjoy the images whilst thinking about how you will protect your hair this summer season.

great hair AND face coverage

I love the straw-ness of this

I’ve been thinking about maybe carrying some hats in the shop. A variety of styles for your hair and head protection, to you from me. Let me know if you are interested in getting some head coverage in the comments below. Also feel free to subscribe, it’ll make my day. 😉😉


The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

Get ready for it!

protect yourself

We’re here! We made it to June! As most of us know, Winnipeg is heading for a pure and certain heat wave. It’s looking like nothing but 30’s and up from here on out. I’m here for it because I love the heat! But even me, sun worshipper number 1, is aware of it’s dangers.

dehydration will set in…

Hydration is the name of the game here folks! For healthy hair, skin and nails, we need water first. *Consuming a proper amount of water daily will help keep your hair skin and nails balanced with moisture as well as keep you cool! I would call this the first step. Keep hydrated with water and you’re already doing more than you know

I use spf on my skin and I’m sure to apply cuticle oil to my nails as much as I can. I have a bottle in my office and one in my car. At red lights, my cuticles get some love! Honestly, if I don’t have a few bottles of cuticle oil kicking around, I would never use it! When it comes to my hair it’s a little bit tricky because I can’t always wear a hat. (sometimes the afro is really poppin off and nothing can hold it down) All of that to say, the best way to protect your hair from the sun is to cover it up. Wear a hat! If you can’t cover your head, opt for some heat protection products and serums to keep from dehydrating your mid-lengths and ends.

I love you

In store we have a great variety of heat protecting products that not only protect from your hot tools but the sun and her rays as well. Unfortunately we don’t sell hats yet, but I may be onto something. Stay tuned and stay cool! If you really want to make my day, subscribe below!


*there is a specific amount of water everyone needs, do what’s best for your body.