It's Wednesday!
Freshair Boutique
Art. If you like..
Flourishing 111
Last year was tough on almost everyone in some shape or form. I, like many other folks, spent a lot of time at home and a lot of time sitting and a lot of time thinking. During the first lock down I did a great job of assessing my space and finally tackling those ‘decor jobs’ I had lingering. It felt like a sort of accomplishment, finally being able to enjoy my home.
I had some areas that needed art and like the homo sapiens that I am, I turned to the internet and fell victim to O P T I O N S! Too many options people! That’s the way of the internet, it can be a blessing and a curse! I looked at so much art. It wasn’t that great of an experience actually. It started to feel like it was impersonal and not genuine at all? I don’t know. I can’t explain it. I wasn’t loving the experience till I narrowed my search a little more. “Only focus on artists from Winnipeg.” Boom, just like that I was able to find this lovely gem!
Flourishing 111
Christie Peters, artist/designer and old shop manager, made this piece for me. The collection is so beautiful, I want three more! I just told her that I would love yellow in the piece and she took creative license. The result is incredible and to see Flourishing 111 in real life is even more rewarding! The framing is impeccable, and by the size and weight of it, I know I will have this for years to come. Thank you Christie!
Check out margaret jane design, you won’t be disappointed. Trust me.