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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


Filtering by Category: inspiration

the fresh perspective...


A new day, a new chance. 7707981858_4aa5f3e666_b

Something about the New year really gets me excited.  I mean, I do LOVE Christmas (it's my fave holiday) but resolutions remind me of new beginnings and new starts.  Promises to myself to try to be better, and to set goals.  New years make me think of new days and how every new day gives us another chance.

Jesse Matas of Riding Mountain National Park skates on the smooth-as-glass ice covering Clear Lake in the Park on a sunny and warm Monday afternoon. Matas skated across the lake to the townsite of Wasagaming and back again. The lack of snow so far this year has created a rare opportunity for winter enthusiasts to enjoy the clear ice.

I'm often asked how I do it, or how I keep it together?  I try to get a good sleep and I wait for the next day.  Have you ever seen a prairie sun rise?  It's incredible.  It's very inspiring.  It makes you feel----I can't describe it.  You need to see one to understand.   The morning sun shows us the newness of the day on an expanse of field till your eyes can see nothing but the horizon.  That act of the 'sun coming up' has a way of dissolving the drama from the day before it.


We just finished conducting a questionnaire about how Freshair Boutique can be better and I would like to thank all the clients that participated in this effort to help us grow and be a staple in the community.  We are turning 6 this year and every single new day has brought us to this point. We are happy to have another chance to help you with all your hair needs and nail needs and fashion needs and, you know where this is going...

That's the fresh perspective...

Ashlie's Aesthetic



Makeup is a big part of the social media and part of our daily routines nowadays. I love that makeup is a great way to express self creativity! I own a lot of different brands of makeup and have a lot of product that I don't necessarily use every day but I enjoy having all types so I can change my look regularly.  Prepare for mini rant :)



I wear makeup for me and only me and my look changes depending on whether I'm going to work, out to do errands or if I'm going out for the evening. I get lots of compliments on it, sure, but I wear it on a daily basis and I typically have a different variation of a smokey eye because I like how it looks. But if I miss one day because I slept in or just didn't feel like putting eye shadow on that day... I always get the question.... "are you sick?". Nope. I was just lazy this morning or I'm having a bad makeup day. And the reverse of this question also bothers me when I say, "oh I think I'm getting sick, etc."...."hmmmm. you don't look sick." Well there's a reason for that, I put effort into my look everyday to look presentable for the industry I work in. It's very frustrating because we get told that we look better with a natural look vs makeup on and then when we have the natural look we get told you're not as pretty or you're prettier with makeup on. We live in a world that too much bullying and cyber bullying goes on that we should be helping each other feel great about ourselves and love who we are. (I know...really cheesy but it's true!) So whatever your reason for wearing or not wearing makeup is, own it because at the end of the day if you feel more comfortable because of it, that's all that matters!
