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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


Filtering by Category: Rant

The Fresh Perspective

Freshair Boutique


Springtime in Manitoba can be tricky. There are cold days mashed between hot days and rain, rain, rain peppered in between. It’s difficult to look stylish when the temperature can change on a dime. In order to maintain a semblance of style, I make sure I am prepared. I hate being cold and sometimes struggle with looking fresh AND keeping warm. Here are a few tips to help you traverse our sloppy season with pizazz.

1) Layer up. an oversized coat or jean jacket is a nice topper in case there is wind.

2) Thick sole sneakers, heels or shoes. if there are puddles or wet spots on your commute, you can stay above.

3) Hat/toque always. the best way to add a little quirk to your kit, control your core temp or cover a bad hair day!

4) Waterproof coat. when you can’t afford to get wet. To be really effective, include an umbrella.

5) Pastel palette. light colors and light weights allow for a ‘springtime’ look.

The reality is that we still have a few months before we can really enjoy the heat. The unstable temperatures will eventually settle down and we’ll be on our way to July and pool parties and BBQ’s. Until then, stay dry and stay warm.

— that’s the fresh perspective…

the fresh perspective...

Freshair Boutique

How much is too much?

Springtime in Winnipeg is usually a mish mash of warmth and chills. Because of this, most of us are conflicted with how much skin to show. My rule is, if there are blades of green grass on the ground, my toes will come out. If there is sun and the temperature is plus anything (during the month of March) my legs will come out.

As soon as March hits, I start watching my temperature app and decide accordingly. I drive to and from work, so I believe that makes it easier for me to justify flashing my leg skin. Just so you know, my rule would change is I was a bus taker or a walker.

The front of the shop allows us to see all kinds of people walking by with their dogs, lattes and shopping bags. Many people seem to start showing skin as soon as the temperature climbs a little. I have already seen my fair share of legs and TOES! Yes, TOES! There has even been a few feet in sandals in the shop these past few weeks!

So, throw caution to the wind, or your pants/shoes to the wind. Spring is here! Is it staying? Any Winnipegger knows that is the question for the ages… Now excuse me whilst I lotion up my gams…

That’s the fresh perspective…

The Fresh Perspective

Freshair Boutique

Let’s just be NICE.

A New Year can be looked at as a way to start fresh or gain a new outlook. Sometimes, all the things that are happening in this world can really start to weigh you down. They can make you feel like there's few good, genuinely nice people left. BUT, let me stop you there! Take a minute to think about how many amazing people that are in your life, or people you've spent time with throughout your life. Or even how many times a stranger has done something so small, but made you smile.

Let's make a point of being nice, friendly people. If something happens to you where you feel angry, take a minute to think about it and realize it's not worth wasting your energy over. For example, how many times when driving do you feel anger creep up on you when someone cuts you off or is driving 20 kms under the speed limit? (Or, is that just me...). It's not worth wasting energy on things you cannot control. Maybe that driver is having a bad day. You just never know what's going on in someone else's life. Being nice to that stranger, friend, family member, may just make the biggest difference in their day.


A new thing I am looking forward to trying out is random acts of kindness. I want to buy the coffees for the car behind me in a drive thru, send flowers to my mom just to say thank you, I want to donate to a shelter and help those in need.

Let’s make the world a better place, one random act of kindness at a time!

-that’s the fresh perspective…

the fresh pespective...

Freshair Boutique

….And to all a goodnight!

Wowwwweeeeee! Another year in the books! Just like that it’s time for new beginnings, new lists and new goals! 2018 has been a whirlwind of a year for Freshair. We saw some really great stylists move on to new and amazing endeavors, and with them some fantastic clients as well. We will miss you all!

We have added some new stylists to our crew and I’m very excited to see what 2019 brings to them and to our lovely little location here on Academy Road! To all of our loyal clients and new subscribers, THANK YOU! It’s all of you that make this whole gig so much more interesting.

When I was thinking of a way to communicate my gratitude, I couldn’t help but think of all the times we say thank you and say it with very little conviction. We’re taught as young children to always say please and thank you like it’s verbiage necessary for living. And though yes, saying please and thank you is polite, it is now just that. Daily verbiage.

Thank you is almost so watered down that I’m not sure it really does the best job of showing sincere gratitude. When was the last time you said thank you? When was the last time you REALLY thanked someone for something? When was the last time you went out of your way to make a connection with someone who did something really nice to/for you?

What I Am trying to say is much gratefulness and gratitude for all of you that either work at Freshair Boutique or patronize our business. all the best to you and your families and remember that we appreciate you all! Blessings and I hope to see you in the new year!


That’s the fresh perspective…

the fresh perspective...

Freshair Boutique

How to look ‘cute’ and stay warm. Is it possible?

Ahhh the age old question! Can comfort be formal? Well, well, well…. I’m going to say this. “it depends". What kind of function are you attending? Are you receiving an award? Are you just a bystander? Are you outside or inside?

This time of year, it’s hard to navigate -55 with a ‘cute look’. I believe that one can look ‘cute’ and still be warm and comfortable but it just takes some conscious effort. If you are wearing Sorels, maybe have a full face of make up and a kick ass up do? If you’re in a toque, maybe some sky high boots to balance it out?

As long as you’re going with a look, it’s all good! Toques, scarves and a well fitting winter parka or coat can always look sharp. If you are recieving some award or are an honorary guest at an event, as long as you are inside, you’re good! Anything goes when there are controlled temps!

That’s the fresh perspective…

the fresh perspective...

Freshair Boutique

First impressions: How to make ‘em and how to bounce back from bad ones…

We’ve all been there, meeting someone for the first time and saying all the wrong things. Or even worse, being out of your mind so you don’t remember what you said at all! Impressions are a part of life we can do nothing about. The reality is, as much as we try, we do judge each other and our actions.

I believe the best way to make a good impression is to just be yourself and read the social cues. Just mirror the situation you’re in. If the mood is somber, don’t break out into a song and dance. If everyone is pumped up and jazzed, ditch the long face.

Look the person in the eyes when you’re being introduced and give a decent handshake. It’s good to be able to engage in casual banter so if the person asks you a question, answer and then reply with one of your own. One word answers are a conversation stopper and shifty eyes make people uncomfortable.

Unfortunately if you flubbed a first impression HARD, pray to cosmos that you never see that person again! I’m serious! Studies show it is really hard to change someones perspective of you if you defecated on their great grandmother doily at her funeral! There is not much one can do after that but to send a gift basket, mountains of apologies, and an offer to have the doily dry cleaned.

In most cases, bad first impressions happen when you fail to be yourself, you are under the influence or you don’t pay attention to the social ques of the situation. When you look at it like that, it’s pretty easy to avoid. Let it be known that humans are funny individuals and for the most part cannot be pleased. That being said, just do your best and be yourself!

…that’s the fresh perspective