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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


Filtering by Category: Rant

The perm


bradley-cooper-1-600x450I think the perm is one of the most interesting hairstyles of all time.  It can be pretty good but most of us know them to be pretty bad.  There have been a few perms going on in the shop as of late and it makes me wonder...

medium_portraitIn the past ten years, I've done a number of perms.  Perms for gals who have limp hair and want a pick me up.  Perms for lazy folks that just want a wash and go.  I've even done a half perm for a client who has half of her hair naturally straight and the other half naturally curly!  My next perm is a few weeks away and I thought I should share, in my opinion, some tips and tricks.

-go curlier than you would like.  If you're the type that just wants a loose wave or body perm, go curlier. Shampooing breaks down the curl, so in a few months your perm might be gone.

-get a consultation.  I don't recommend perming hair that is chemically processed.  The act of perming is a chemical process so doing both can be damaging to your hair.

-get proper products.  When you're consulting with your stylist they should be able to give you some suggestions on what to use during this time.  It's important to use the right products to maintain the curl and health of your hair.

-don't expect too much.  If you have six hairs on your head don't think that the perm will be the game changer you were looking for.  You'll still have six hairs, they'll just be permed...  Some images clients bring in show a curly-haired gal with an abundance of hair.  The fullness of hair can make of break how your perm sits and falls.  Be prepared that it may not look like the picture in your mind.

-just relax.  A perm is short for permanent but we all know that there is no such thing.  In the event your perm sucks, there's a lot that can be done.  If not, you can always go for that pixie you've been wondering about...  It IS just hair.  It's not that serious.

If you ever want to try a perm ask your stylist!  They can be fun and can really add a new dimension to your hair styling routine.  Would you ever do it?





the fresh perspective...


Odacité Odacite-Pure-Elements-Family-Pics-dropper-right-e1384291821805Odacité is a skin care line out of France that we are thinking of carrying in the new store.  It falls in line with our philosophy and has so many great benefits for those of us who are environmentally conscious.  Any of you ever heard about it?  It's basically the best.  I sampled the balancing toner and one of the pure elements oils for three days and could not believe the results.  I will say that I am very fortunate to have decent skin, but considering this is the only face I'll have till I'm deceased, I thought that I should prepare a regime for myself.

cr fashion bookI am a Norwex cloth user and then follow up with some body lotion.  Yup, I put body lotion on my face!  It's crazy, I'm lazy...  What I've decided to do was order some full-sized products. I bought the toner and oil and added it to my regime and then added the facial moisturizer.  I'm completely pleased and satisfied, and I want everyone to try this product.  What we're going to do is get some samples in and let you guys try.  The full line is quite extensive but we are thinking of getting the oils.  There are 18 vials and each have specific purposes.

Odacite Private Collection family pictureMy question is, what's your skin regime?  How much do you spend on your facial routine?  Do spend anything?  Are you like how I used to be and don't really value the time and care spent in a skincare routine?  I urge you to think twice about your routine because, as I mentioned earlier, it's the only skin you have...  That's the fresh perspective...

The new shop?


how-much-does-it-costs-to-renovate-4-room-hdb Guys, there was supposed to be a new shiny shop as of June 1.  The shop is not new yet.  The shop is not shiny yet.  We haven't started anything.  I was just wanted to keep you all posted on the status of our renovations, seeing that I've been talking about it for months...


The City of Winnipeg has been holding us up with permits and things.  I understand that permits are set in place to make sure that things go smoothly but good god!  I wish there was an easier way!  First to get by the permit thing, and then there's the actual renovations!  We all know that can be terrifying because one never knows how renos will end.


I can't wait, Christie can't wait, none of us can wait! I 'm sure you guys are excited too.  We have so much new things to share with you and the time is coming soon guys... It is coming!





tumblr_mzwtuzrQbX1rfgmbqo5_1280 I'd like to take this time to say a few words about my dad Henry.  He hasn't always been the 'dad' that I wanted but he has ALWAYS been there.  I'm his oldest child and only daughter so we have a special connection.

tumblr_m5ri4wfW501r6j6o7Regardless of sex/gender, I feel like a father plays a very important role in a child's life.  They aren't always the nurturer, but they are an important part of the foundation that our  youth develop from.  Like my mom, my dad played a great role in how I turned out as a woman.  I feel like I realize now, as an adult, how much more we have connected as I have grown.


I need to be more open and involved in my dad's life.  I also should not wait for hallmark to remind me when I should show him my total appreciation.  It's too bad that father's day and mother's day make recognizing our parents into a once a year thing.  Oh well, it is what it is, but no matter what, I'm grateful for his life and I'm blessed to be his daughter.


the fresh perspective...



What are you thinking about getting into now that the summer is here?  I, for one, am an avid planner.  I have a few things lined up for the summer.

If I'm in town, I'll be checking out the festival on Canada Day on Osborne.  For August I'll be going to Stonewall for Quarry Days and driving out to Morden for the Corn and Apple Festival.

The Stonewall Kilnes

There's so much to do in Manitoba if you're into going for a bit of a drive.  There's a lot to see IN Winnipeg, but that much more to see OUTSIDE of Winnipeg.  It's funny how before having kids, I never really bothered with my province.  Now, I find that I'm looking for things to do to help us spend time together and help us get out to enjoy the nice weather we can have.

Clowning it up in Morden, Manitoba

At sometime I'll head out to Falcon Beach and at some point and we'll pitch a tent in the backyard.  I'm also into watching movies in the park (sans children).  I'm excited and ready!  If you have any suggestions of places I should check out, leave me a message!  I'll try to make an appearance!  That's the fresh perspective...