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Filtering by Category: Rant

Hat guy


distressed_baseball_caps_for_men_or_women-p233432285654033932bwscw_400We all have one in our lives.  Hat guys are everywhere.  They either wear the same hat always, or change it depending on the occasion.  What does hat guys hair even look like?  Most of us do know that hat guy is probably follicly challenged.

tumblr_m53la3rQEn1qgx4kvIf you, hat guy, are reading this right now I urge you to give your hair and scalp some much-needed daylight/nightlight/any kind of exposure to the light.  It's not so great to keep your hair covered ALL the time.  It's not great for your hair and not great for your scalp.  In saying this, I am all for hat wearing!  I like how it can add a little something extra to your look.  I just think hats all day, everyday, are no good.

9FIFTY-Fitted-Braun-Leather-Hut-PH4099x60hk0109_LRGBaseball caps aren't the only kind of hat out there either.  If you must cover your head maybe try to branch out a little and try some other types of hats.  Just a thought.




the fresh perspective...


Boys. And Girls... OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERARelationships are the ultimate best!  They are the best until they are the worst!  Being in a relationship with someone has so many perks and, inevitably, pitfalls.

When you're in a committed relationship compromising makes up a large part of how long the relationship will last.  A relationship that doesn't have the two people involved in it, working towards the same goal, won't last.  I know this month is dedicated to the boys so I will say, "how are you to your partner?"  "Boys, do you treat them well?"  "Do you do your fair share of compromising?"  Just a little something to think about as you go on living in your couple-ness....  How can you make your relationship better?

tumblr_mscjk7SKTz1rt5262o1_500I have been married for seven years and we have been together for 13 years.  All through my twenties we toiled and triumphed.  Through the student loans and apartment applications, we survived.  Through the entire wedding process we managed to stay.  We are still here.  We are still going.  In my modest opinion every anniversary should be celebrated because that's another year added.  Eventually those years should add up to an amazing relationship with someone special than most.


I know many ladies and gents in relationships that seem to have it all together.  The thing is, we all KNOW that there is no such thing as the perfect relationship or couple.  It just doesn't exist.  The most endearing relationships are forged in the trenches and use hard times as a foundation for their love.


I did say that I was posting about only boys this month, so this post goes out to my main squeeze.  Ogo, you are a great man even if sometimes you're not...?  ;)  That's the fresh perspective...

the fresh perspective...


Cold, colder, coldest.

tumblr_lcazmsg4mb1qe8u4ko1_500_largeWe're practically flirting with her, trying not to let her win.  Trying not to let her win by wearing your light jacket or skipping out on a scarf/toque/gloves?  Pretending not to feel her when you go out first thing in the morning.  She's there, she's already waiting.

1354359243148366We play this game every year.  I know my part well.  It starts with denial.  I pretend she's not coming (I know she'll come, but I still play).  Then I say, "Not yet, I'm not ready for you yet.  Just wait!" (at this point, I know it's all for naught, but I still play).

34365-Ice-Cold-BranchesThen before I know it, we're together and it feels like it'll never end.  It feels like an eternity when the snow falls and all the temperatures drop.  It feels so intense when you're standing there in her presence and you feel your warm parts slowly cooling off.  In that moment I feel the utmost respect for her and realize that she is very serious.

tumblr_md1e8mZJA41qiis88o1_500-260-3630She is so serious she makes me reach for scarf/toque/gloves.  She makes we want to put on the thickest sweater and then curl into a blanket, next to a fire.  She makes we want to be close to others.  She makes me want hot, warm and comforting things.  She makes me love Christmas and winter wonderlands.

As much as we fight, we both need each other.  We need each other to play our parts properly.

That's the fresh perspective...

the fresh perspective...



A few days ago I saw a product we carry in the salon, at my local Shopper's Drug Mart! What?!  Well, many salon grade products end up in discount stores and random retail outlets.  It happens.  What now?  I preach about how great it is to purchase your products from local suppliers (like us) and unfortunately the prices are sometimes higher.  Supporting a private small business over a conglomerate can be quite expensive.

I can understand why someone would purchase their salon grade products at Winners, or even Shopper's because the price is so right!  I was at Superstore on the weekend and found that a liter of TRESemmé was $3.98!  You serious?!  We sell smaller bottles of shampoo that cost over $25! I feel like we can't compete with prices like that but we can at least hang our hats on the fact that we know what we sell is good for you and your hair.

If you can find that salon grade product at Winners or your local discount spot, what can anyone say?  Do what you need to do.  That's the fresh perspective...

the fresh perspective...


WHAT A TANGLED WEB WE WEAVE Time for some light reading.

I've been cutting hair for over ten years and have realized so much about myself and humans in general.  My job consists of so much talking, and laughing, and chatting, and laughing, and consulting and sighing and laughing...  You get my drift...

Whenever ladies (and gents) come in to the shop they are bound to ask how you are.  "How's your life?" "How are your children?"  "How's business?"  I tell them just exactly how I feel.  I have no shame in my chatting game.  I speak up and I speak out.  Always.  Is that a good thing?  Not necessarily...  Not everyone wants to hear what I have to say and not everyone wants to know the truth.

Sometimes folks ask, "how are you?" because it's just a phrase kind humans say.  They don't actually care what you say or want to know how you really feel.  I fall into that rut as well.  "How was work?" is my fave question, but I already have five more on deck as soon as they answer.  I know my problem is that I have a lot on/in my mind and I try to get it out in the hour that my client has paid me for.  Good?  Bad? I'm not sure...

Why do we love going to the salon so much?  Well.  We love that our hair will look nice at the end and our nails will be nicely manicured.  We love that our stylist is fashionable and sweet, we love that the shop we frequent isn't a dive.  We love a lot about the hair salon, but lets say it- WE LOVE TO CHAT/CATCH-UP!  I love to do those things and sometimes I think that I may say too much.

When I go off about my husband/family members I'm doing so to vent and to release some tension.  I speak about my everyday life and sometimes I don't take any prisoners.  I say a lot.  Maybe I say too much (I know I do say too much... I know).  Sometimes I'm honest and I may say some things that sound harsh and mean.  I'm not mean, a bit harsh, but not mean.  Then I realize that what I say might sound mean to some people.  Ahhhhh....words.

Who knew talking could be so therapeutic and yet so damaging?  The words we use everyday can change the way people experience life.  The words we use everyday are amazing and powerful.  We need to take more ownership of the words we use everyday.

That's the fresh perspective...

trashy tunes


MUSIC 2013 mtv-vmas-performers-600x450

I watched the MTV VMAs last night and was blown away!  Maybe it's because I'm not that hooked into 'the scene'.  Got me thinking about the state of music today.   2013 is a long time away from the 90's jams I was rocking to in my youth.  I like music that makes me want to dance and I love lyrics that have a little more meaning than 'my humps'.**  (sorry to all the fergie fans)

Music-quotes-sayings-sad-listen-wisdomI've been lucky enough to have been to plenty concerts.  My husband doesn't bat an eye when I turn up the stereo in our home to full blast.  I watched the performances and realized that not much has changed.  Sex (blurred lines), objectivity of women (we can't stop) and discrimination (same love) are still the main topics of many songs that we here today.  In the 90's there were so many songs that did the same thing, but why does it seem worse now?

Bob-Marley-Music-Quotes-WallpaperDid you watch the VMA's?  Do you agree that musicians/music seem to be raunchier than ever before?


** i can't say that i've never danced to songs with trashy lyrics. i can't.