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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


Filtering by Category: Rant

hey boys...


Summer Trend -THE TANK tumblr_mr057bHr7p1qjkye2o1_500Here's a fashion dilemma...  I think some men would never be seen in a tank, and then there are those who will try anything once, twice?  What's your take on a man in a tank?  You like?  You like not?

img-thingA few tips for you who would like to try... Look for a tank that has good coverage for the type of upper body you have (unless you're Muscles McGee...).  Some have low necklines and wide arm holes.  If you are challenged in the chest area, or are a manly man with mountains of hair, a skimpy tank may not be the first place to start.  Try to get a tank that will work with the shape you are.

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????Also, please do not feel like you need a plethora of tattoos to wear a tank.  Sure, the tank shows off your ink, but it's not at all necessary to race out and get tatted up in order to rock a tank top.  You just need a smile and some confidence!

poppy-pristine-men-s-tankI'm into the tank on boys as long as said boy does NOT look like he is trying to hard.  As I said earlier, when trying something new do it with confidence and a smile.  That goes a long way!



kqnAny of you on Pinterest?  It's another one of the many types of social media applications for your smart phone, lap/desk top, or tablet.  A place where you can place all your visual ideas, conquests, or wishes.  Search one thing, many things, and when you think that you've come up with something new? Nope.  It's been done. At least ten times...


I often wonder what will become of us in ten years?  What new aspect will the media bring upon us then?  What will we do when nothing is new anymore?  What type of services will we be able to use to expose each other with after the days of 'tweeting', 'gramming', and 'liking' are gone?  Will it even ever end??

so sexy

We were chatting in the staff room a while back and the topic of our convo was how to gain inspiration.  Inspiration for our job specifically.  Hairstyling can be so broad and then yet so specific, and at times I think many stylists can feel like they're doing the same thing over and over again.

great shot

I give you Pinterest! Our boards cover all things fashion and beauty related.  If you're feeling like you are in a hair rut or not to sure what your next appointment should be booked for?  Check out Pinterest and see if anything there juggles your creativity.  I guess this is the new way to get inspired.  The internet will always keep us wanting more and finding more.

natural beauty

I love looking at hair and I pay attention to the styling of images.  The hair and styling of the images I've posted inspire me to be more natural and to embrace the beauty that we are born with. (obviously these women are practically models but who cares?...)  These women all possess a natural look that I'm drawn to and thanks to the internet, I will never really need a muse... :)



For Trayvon


This post is for a young boy who lost his life last year.  It was a senseless crime.  Oh wait!  It was NOT a crime because the murderer was set free today! I started perusing the inter web to learn more about this tragedy and came across a photo of Trayvon's dead body!  How is it possible that I could see this young man's lifeless corpse?  What's going on?!  Where is the privacy?  How did this image get leaked onto the internet?!

What type of world do we live in?!  How can anyone say that justice was served on July 13th at all?!  What type of world do I want to live in?  I have children! I have young children that I hope one day will become great pillars in their community.  But WHAT kind of community will they be a part of?   How am I supposed to find a silver lining in this at all?!  I'm just saddened and sickened.

I've seen countless instagram/twitter/facebook posts of vegans getting bossy, and animal rights folks getting sassy, and vegetarians pointing fingers... How come none of us are as passionate about each other?!  How come none of us are as passionate about HUMAN LIFE?!  Especially the lives of our youth that will one day shape our communities...

I'm not sure what else to say.  I have so many mixed emotions, I have so many questions, I am so very confused, and angry and hurt...  There must be a silver lining.  There must.  Even for me.  Even for his family, friends and anyone who cares about human life.

Peace(but really, is there?)

What's your style?


293292 Lately I've realized that so many of us just want a little change.  Nothing too crazy, just something a bit different.  Something that makes you look twice.  I have what you need folks!  I do!  You don't need to change your haircut EVERY TIME you visit the salon! You can have the same haircut and STYLE it differently day-to-day!  You can!

hair2So I'm sounding very excited right now, but it's because I've discovered something.  Styling your hair can literally be done differently day-to-day!  You can change something very little almost every time you wear you hair!  Part on the left Monday, part on the right Tuesday, pull back hair on the left Wednesday, pony-tail Thursday...ya get me right?  It may seem a little odd but it doesn't take much.  Start feeling bored with your old hair?  POW!  You have a bobby clip accent in your hair!  ....Okay the exclamations are done.


Ask your stylist for tips and tricks on styling your hair.  We just got these styling kits and they are a great place to start (for those of you who are ready for the challenge).  The kit includes bobby pins (available in three color types), 2 combs, and 2 clips (for hot tool styling).  Oh and the canvas sack can be reused to carry anything else that suits your fancy. :)

Do you style your hair?  Why?  Why not?  We'd love to know!


the fresh perspective...


HERE COMES THE SUN summer1A friend and I read an interesting fact about the sun and your hair.  According to Allure, 100 hours of direct sunlight on your hair is as damaging as having straight bleach on it for 30 minutes.  What?! Can you believe that?  When you really think about it, your skin gets darker in the sun so of course it can affect your hair!

Here are a few tips to protect your locks from the sun:

-try to use products with UV protectors.

-in a pinch, a little sunscreen mixed with water can be sprayed in for extra protection.

-cover it up!  Scarves and hats are quite functional and fashionable.

SONY DSC-make sure you clarify every now and again.  A clarifyer will strip your hair of environmental build up and product build up.  Once clarified, give yourself a treatment to replace the moisture you've washed out.

-braid it up and away!  Braids are the hottest trend right now and will expose less of your hair to the sun.

Summer-plaits-cropIt doesn't take long to check the ingredients on the products you buy.  Purchasing from a salon will allow you to dialogue with your stylist and he or she can steer you in the right direction.  If you're the type that spends ALL summer in the sun, get yourself some protection!  That's all I need to say, that's the fresh perspective...

the fresh perspective...


HOLIDAZE It's time!  I'm taking some time off and won't be posting till I'm back from vacation.  For the next few days I'll be hanging out at splash pads, eating out, and doing some ultra light reading (I'm traveling with kiddos).


Holidaying with little ones can be interesting and if you're doing it alone, it can be tiring.  While the kids are sleeping I'm going to attempt to read a book and just take it all in.  I'll be looking forward to not cooking and cleaning,  I'll be looking forward to getting browner in the sun and I'll be looking forward to early nights...

women-dress-reading-books-turkish-nail-polishBecause the girls are with me, I'm planning most of my trip around them.  We will be going to the zoo and some random pools.  We'll be watching the movies of my youth Annie and The Little Rascals.  Along with my light reading, I would like to check out the Patti Smith exhibit at the AGO and cook a meal for my great hosts...

PattiSmithAll in all, I'll be offline for ten glorious days.  I hope that all of you have planned some time to get away between now and the end of the summer.  As important as it is to have a job and work, and save, and be practical; it's just as important to take breaks, rest and be silly.  That's the fresh perspective...