the fresh perspective...
LONG HAIRED BOYS Boys with hair. Long hair. What's your opinion on a long-haired style? There are a few men out there that grow their hair and take very good care of it. I, for one, love a man with long hair. Especially if it's healthy, maintained and flattering to the host.
How many of you guys have tried to grow your hair? Was it easy? What did you like about it? Hated it? Having more hair just means there's a bit more to take care of. You need some more products and a little more time.
What about the top-knot?! Boys, this is amazing! If you're a long-haired boy, maybe this is something you should try. It's very easy and a great way to keep your hair out of the way. I think it's unfair that long hair on men is looked down upon. It's not JUST for the girls. It's just hair and if a boy wants it super long, that shouldn't make him less of a man. It's just hair, long hair...
Like I always say, and will say till I can no longer speak, "there's nothing wrong with trying something new." Maybe your hair would look great long? Maybe ask your stylist if your hair would be manageable at a longer length? It might be something that could really work. It also could be awful. That's the fresh perspective...