Freshair Boutique's hair trends for 2013
It's a new year and therefore, time for some new hair? Everyone wants to know what the new trends are anticipating that they will be able to partake in something exciting. Last year I can think of three main trends. Ombré, long thick bangs, and top knots. We will still be seeing these looks but just modified a bit. Winnipeg is not the hot spot for trend setting but when we are comfortable with a look we will rock it (even though it may be 6-12 months behind). It's okay 'Peg city, at least we try right?
This season look for short blunt bangs.
Ombré will be modified to fade to unnatural colors, similar to last year, but also full heads of unnatural colors as well.
At the shop the trends are a bit different. We've been doing the pink and the violet thing, and are starting to grow out the fringe area for a more a nineties bang. We call it the nineties flip. I love this look because it's so versatile and can work on most hair types.
Stay tuned for some more looks as the trends roll out till the spring. By the spring time I hope that you may have found a little something to try! Chat with your stylist about what trend might suit your hairs!