I'm back! So, I know that this blog thing is all about consistency and I have not been...
I was just reading my brothers and he made me realize that this is no joke, (by this I mean blogging). I've been through a boatload of changes since the ballgame and my terrific leg cramp. I had a girl child, hired an esthetician, got a new shop manager, part timer and started on the journey of my new body. Sigh... Change is good and a bit scary at times as well.
With the time I had off I had some time to reflect on what I really want this blog to achieve. I guess in short I would like to be able to share with everyone my thoughts on just about everything... I've been getting some feedback and someone told me that I should separate the shop from my life. I beg to differ because I feel that the shop and my life and gently entangled. My clients who have been with me for over ten years know a ton about my life and my family. I feel as though the type of business that I'm in allows for a blurred line between work and play... Enough about that... Changes....
I would like to conclude this blog by listing my changes...
On November one I will begin a weekly regimen to shed the pounds that my girl child gave me.
I will reclaim my blog.
I will bring lunch at least three times a week.
I will eat breakfast everyday.
I will read.
Ok, so yeah, let's start there. And so should you, if you need to make a list just do it. It kinda holds you accountable when you look at your goals in black and white. I will be keeping you posted...