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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


...And a Happy New Year!

Freshair Boutique

Thanks, Merci, Grazie!


So here we are again at the end of another year. We made it, we made it out alive! 2019. Done. Just like that. Just as quick as exchanging pleasantries, we begin another year.

2020! Well this upcoming year will be filled with so much more of whatever great things we experienced in 2019. This upcoming year is our 10 year anniversary, and as usual, I am here to say thank you. In my perfect world I would thank each and every individual who spent their hard earned dollars at our shop. I would write a soliloquy about every staff member we shared 2019 with. I would thank all my friends and all my family, one, by one. If only that would be able to give an example of the deep gratitude I feel about team Freshair Boutique and all it’s supporters. If only.

Well personally, 2019 brought so much perspective into my life! I gave birth to a baby, I solo traveled and I pushed my self a little further than I did in 2018. I tried to do just a little more. To be honest, I’m built to never stop. I always seem to have the next thing on the horizon and no matter how hard I really try to slow it all down, I find that I’m not as fulfilled. This is me. Just pushing boundaries wherever I can. I believe it’s my support system that actually fuels me. It’s all of you who care about the little things AND the big things. It’s all of us that show up every day, understanding the real definition of commitment. It’s the simple fact that I am alive. All of that is why I love what I do and all those I share this industry with. Thank you as well.


The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

Host Gifts


When invited to somewhere, especially someone’s home, it’s important to leave the host with a little something. Lots of time an energy goes into hosting and it’s a really nice gesture and expression of thanks.


Here is my list of great gifts!

  • wine (be sure your host is into booze)

  • plants (christmas cactus? yes please!)

  • decorative candles (who doesn’t love coal and canary?)

  • the cheesemongers fromagerie (vegan cheese is also available)

  • anything that is personal to the host (this is a real nice touch if the host is really close to you)


If none of these are helpful, food is always a pretty good option. If your host is into to sweet or savory be sure to make sure you get it right. No point in giving a gift if it doesn’t suit!

That’s the fresh perspective…

Monday Blog

Freshair Boutique

Ideal ‘Me time’ day


Can you tell what my ultimate me-time day would be, based on the photos above? Relax, eat, drink and be well. In that order?? Some of you know that I went to Italy in September on a sort of eat/Praise/love type extravaganza. The dream ‘me-time’ day of all ‘me-time’ days except it was three weeks!