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The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

Do you costume?


Halloween! It’s coming!! So what are your plans? Do you have a costume already lined up? Do you hand out candy? Are you like me and do nothing? Yup, I don’t Halloween. I just eat the candy.

My parents immigrated to Canada when I was five years old. They could never get behind the concept of Halloween and trick or treating. They didn’t understand why anyone would go door to door asking for candy. Strangers essentially, giving your small child a treat! But before all of this can happen, you need to dress up in a costume (anything actually) to ring the bells of the treat givers and demand your booty! They thought it was quite rude and strongly discouraged us. Actually, they just said, ‘No! You’re not going door to door asking for candy from strangers dressed up as someone else! No!’ Case closed.


Now that I am not five years old and have children of my own, I’m faced with all the questions about why I don’t dress up. Everyone always seems to feel bad for my kids. Like they are missing out on some integral part of being a North American child! I grew up here, didn’t trick or treat , and I had a fantastic childhood. It’s possible! You don’t need to trick or treat to know how great of a place Canada is to live.


So my kids don’t trick or treat, but they dress up for school. They get a boatload of candy from their father and I, not to mention the stuff they bring home from school. They celebrate Halloween even though I don’t and it’s fine. Will I dress up for my shift if it falls on Halloween? Don’t count on it, but I will eat the candy!

That’s the fresh perspective…

The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

CAREER HOW-TO: Hair styling


2020 will mark my 20th year in hair styling! Can I get a ‘hellyeah’?! Hell Yeah! How did I get here? 20 years in the same job doing more or less the same thing day in and out has brought me to this point. I have also accumulated some tidbits during my journey, and if you think hair styling might be the career for you, read on!


When I began my journey, there was no such thing as social media. Honestly, many salons barely had a website and online booking was NOT a thing. I started out my hair career in a time when you had to get out and ask for business. Business cards were an integral part of growing your business 20 years ago. These days, your online presence is your number one calling card.


Social media allows your clients to see the work you are currently doing. No more of those weird shop magazines with hairstyles, it’s all on Instagram! You can post availability, ask for specific types of clients and even show ‘how-to’ videos if you so choose. To be fair all this does is to bring clients to your chair. You need to still have the skills to keep them coming back.


Once you are in a salon, it’s important that you keep learning and stay current. I believe the styles you struggle with are the styles you should try to do so you can get better. Take as many classes as you can and be ready to really work. The only way you’ll make any money is to be behind the chair, so maximize that. Do whatever you can to get clients in and then work even harder to keep them. Listen to what they are asking, and if it’s within reason, give it to them. Over time you’ll find your stride and be able to decide which lane is yours.

I love all the aspects of hair styling, but my ultimate fave is styling/finishing. This, in my humble opinion, is where I shine! When you know what your bread and butter is, it enables you to gain more confidence. I also think working in a shop that has a few master stylists is key as well. When I was coming up, I watched the master stylists closely and just copied the way they were with their clients. Having stylists in your shop that are fully booked, can give you an example of what you could expect in the future.


Was this helpful? I believe that if you really pay attention to your clients and their needs, you’ll be able to really thrive in this field. Being ready to work hard, and having a strong social media presence can speed things up and in a few years, you could be booked solid!

That’s the fresh perspective…

The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

Scrapbooking. Not just for Grandma.

When I was younger (tween-ish), I was pretty into scrapbooking. Those who know me now likely aren’t surprised to read this. I’ve always been really into papers, stationary, lettering, fancy pens…. you name it. Even now I could likely do a mini Michael’s pop up store in my home. Although I still love to craft, scrapbooking has left my realm of hobbies.


When sifting through the web for photos for this blog, I did feel a little urge of wanting to start. I think for me I would need more of a reason or something specific to document. If I were to have a baby I could see myself getting back into it - something you could gift to a loved one later in life. I once made one for my Grandparents, documenting our life experiences at the family cabin they purchased back in the 60’s. Creating a little capsule of memories of all of their kids and grandchildren growing up over the Summers spent out there was such an honor and felt like a very meaningful gift.


The style of scrapbook would be a lot different than what I did when I was younger. I would opt for more of a photo journal, possibly get a Polaroid camera for simplicity, and include more writing along with the photos and scraps. Love a good fresh notebook.

-that’s the fresh perspective…

The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

Is a Degree necessary?


How many of you have been told that you are nothing without some sort of education? A career is important for some, but others might feel like giving 20-30 years to one position is preposterous! Is that what a career even means? The definition of career is quite vast. Starting with, a profession that you learned how to do with specific training over a period of your life, to a combination of jobs held, titles earned, and works accomplished over your lifetime.


These days, less and less folks are sticking to one job for 20 years or more. Some people move around every 4-6 years, changing aspects of their current job or changing companies all together. Somewhere we have connected too much to the word career. We put so much pressure on ourselves to accomplish so many things by a certain time in our lives. Is that even right?


Career or no career, one needs to be able to feel good about oneself. If there’s something in your life that you don’t like, you can change it! It’s never too late to try and be better today than we were yesterday. There’s always something new to learn, even if you’ve been at it for 20 years…

That’s the fresh perspective…

The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

Would you Home School?


It’s no secret that I have a boatload of kids! Ok, four, but that’s still a lot! Before I had kids I was quite opinionated about them. I had it figured out. “When I’m a mom, I’ll do things so much differently,” I said. Now here I am, 10 years in (my oldest is ten) and I realize that parenting is intense! There are so many aspects of parenting that I didn’t account for and even more so, aspects that I LOVED and wanted to uphold desperately!

Firstly, my children have made me realize how terrible we are to the earth and I have drilled it into their little heads about sustainability, littering, waste…. you know…. I never knew in my twenties that that would be something I would have stood for. I was all about their education and somewhere, deep down, I thought I would home school them. Well. No.


I found this PDF from the Government about Home schooling and I thought I should share. Turns out, that I have more faith in our school systems here in Manitoba after all! My children attend École Nöel Ritchot and do their studies in French, another thing I thought I would NEVER do!

Screenshot_2019-08-13 HOMESCHOOL A copy1 - brochure pdf.png

Would you home school your child/children? Maybe? If you need more info check out Home schooling in Manitoba. All the best!

That’s the fresh perspective…

The Fresh Perspective

Freshair Boutique

Mental prep for hibernation.

As much as we might not want to admit to it quite yet, its inevitable that the colder days are coming. I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but we gotta face reality. The best way to go into this is to mentally prepare for the changing seasons. A little bit harder than heading into a heatwave, Winter has its strengths (even if weaknesses full on take the lead).


Warm Summer days and nights always make me feel as though I have to get outside and do something. Whether that’s going for a run, sitting on a patio, or catching up with a friend on a nice walk. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE being outside and love any sort of activity, but there is a part of me that is ready to mentally prep for the Winter months.


Winter evenings can be filled with all sorts of goodness. I myself am looking forward to prepping some heavier, warmer meals, like chili or even some sheppards pie for a change? I also have a vegan partner so I get to try all sorts of spins on these traditional meals. There’s a tasty vegan option for literally (…almost) ev-er-y-thing. If you need ideas, holla.

Along with some heavier meals, I also love a good documentary or show. When it’s too cold to go outside there is absolutely zero guilt to stay in all night, snack and layer up under umpteen blankets for the night. I mean, you gotta put on a tiny bit of winter cushion to fight that chill….right?


Ok, so along with the obvious eating and watching TV, I think going into a new season is a great time to get a fresh start on a few things. Whether that’s redecorating your living space, parting ways with some clutter, making a list of new goals, making a new savings plan, or plan your next vacation. At the top of my goal list, is to save for a house (or shack…depending on how savings go). So my Winter will be a cheap one, which can still be exciting. Outings don’t have to be expensive all the time, or just let yourself have a couple of treat days so you’re not heading straight toward the Winter blues.


Take these next few weeks to think about what types of hobbies you want to pick up this Fall/Winter season. Allow yourself days to rest and relax, and also don’t be afraid to get creative - DIY spa nights, card making nights with friends, prep a big meal you can freeze to save some for another day, journal, read, exercise (try the Nike Training App!). And most important of all, if you feel yourself getting into a Winter rut, talk to a friend! Talk, cry, laugh it out and move past it - snap back into appreciating the season and all that you have to be thankful for.

What sorts of things do you look forward to in the Winter? What do you dread, and how do you resolve it?

-that’s the fresh perspective…