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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


Filtering by Category: health & wellness

The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

Change your fitness routine?


While we were off for 7 weeks, I took it upon myself to work on things I could actually control. My fitness became a sweet priority and now, I’m in pretty great shape. As things start to go back to normal, I’m troubled with finding some balance. It’s not really efficient that I work out 7 days a week when I’m working 5-6 days a week without an assistant and without many breaks.


I need to remind myself that I’m still doing pretty good on my fitness track. I decided to change up my programming a little and from now on will attempt to do all my workouts from home or outside. For someone who HATED working out at home, the Pandemic has taught me that it doesn’t matter where I work out, as long as I do so. So far, I’ve been finding ways to get it all in. An easy way, especially if you have kids, is to do something active while your kids are being active as well!


My crew and I are quite active and we do it all together. To be fair, the baby doesn’t do much, but one day he will. While my girls are in a tennis lesson, I go for a run. We all skateboard and play tennis together so that keeps my heart-rate up. We have recently added shooting around at a nearby park to our repertoire. These activities, coupled with a few strong Nike fitness workouts and outdoor runs have really helped to diversify my workouts.


I’m committed to staying at home for now and just need to convince my husband to let me get a heavy bag, or a peloton! ;)

—that’s the fresh perspective…

It's Saturday!

Freshair Boutique


We’re back at it everyone! It’s a new month, and I’m still here doing what I do! For anyone just joining us here, I am Praise. I am the owner of Freshair Boutique, an upscale eco-conscious hair salon in Winnipeg, Manitoba.


I’ve been cutting hair for over 20 years and through my trials and tribulations I have been blessed enough to have been given this platform. My experience is quite vast as I am a mother, wife, full time student, business owner and so much more. Seriously, there is so much more to me!

Two Saturdays a month I will do my best to keep you up to date with salon news and information. Sometimes I’ll have gifts, sometimes I won’t. This month we are focusing on C H A N G E S. School is back on, corona is still keeping us all on our toes, and we are all coming to terms with our new normal.


The new set-up is as follows: On Mondays, the fresh perspective will be my own opinion on all the things a human can have an opinion on! September’s focus is changes. Changes?! That word makes me so happy you don’t even know! From haircut changes to menu changes, I’m here for it all! We aim to try to give you a well rounded experience so please let us know if we are missing the mark. I love a good critique! Each Wednesday is wordless and features images for your viewing pleasure handpicked by me! It’s fun and refreshing. And sweet Saturdays are my salon reports and such. For example, the month of September has three staff birthday wishes! Niasha, Krista and I are all born this month! If you’re in the shop in September send us some well wishes!

September is also bringing us ‘Kwik tips with Kitty’, a new feature on our instagram TV. Be sure to check it out and give us a follow! She will be featured twice a month and has a lot to share. It’ll be a nice CHANGE to our lineup (see what I did there?)… Change is inevitable so why not lean in?

We have some fun stuff coming up this month as I explore changing your mindset and how corona really changed me, as well as some IG before and afters and some health and fitness inspo! Thanks for reading and if you are so inclined, drop me a line!
