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Filtering by Category: health & wellness

The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

Water park fun!

Here are some fantastic water parks right here in Canada! Do you enjoy water themed events or are you all about staying dry? Well, if you’re looking for something new to try, hit one of these parks up this summer. You won’t regret it!

Calypso Waterpark, Limoges, Ontario

World Waterpark at West Edmonton Mall, Edmonton

Magic Mountain Water Park, Moncton, New Brunswick

Waterpark at Valcartier Vacation Village, Quebec

Wild Water Kingdom, Brampton, Ontario

That’s the fresh perspective…

The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

Lash Extensions!

So this service is really a big hit and has continued to grow exponentially since it’s conception! I gave it a try last year with the intentions of doing it for an event and then I got hooked! One whole year later I was still going for fills and enjoying the look.

I’m about to go on holidays and I am really contemplating going for another round. The lashes, for the most part, are pretty great but there are a few things that I believe you should be aware of before going in. I found this list of reasons to get lash extensions and yes, the points are totally valid but the list includes no cons.

That’s why I will give you the 411. Here goes…

Here are our personal top 10 reasons why you should seriously consider getting eyelash extensions.**

  1. They will enhance the look of your natural lashes. Check out the amazing difference of the before and after pictures. The really open up the eyes and make them more noticeable.

  2. More dramatic then mascara but less dramatic then strip lashes. You can always go more (volume lashes) if that’s the look you are after.

  3. You wake up looking stunning, every day without effort! Brush your lashes and out the door.

  4. Saves money! No more mascara required. You might even find you don’t need to wear any eye makeup at all. Saving more money!

  5. Saves time! Speeds up your morning and night time routine.

  6. No more mascara clumping, getting mascara on your nose, eyelid or other random places it seems to get. No more drying out your natural eyelashes causing breakages. No more panda eyes, mascara running and smudging under your eyes.

  7. Great for people with sensitive eyes. The fewer products around the eye area the better. Also great for people with contacts or glasses.

  8. Great for the travellers. All your holiday pictures and selfies will look amazing and your eyelash extensions will last for the entire vacation.

  9. Great for special occasions, weddings or conferences.

  10. Great for the gym. Can sweat it up for hours at the gym and still have great looking lashes.

All these things are true but there is a decent amount of maintenance. I wasn’t a fan of the volume lashes but I did find that the classics were more me. About saving money, I’m not sure that is true. A tube of mascara can last me up to 2 months while a fill is around $90 and has to be done every month. Do the math and a year of lashes could be almost $1000 while the mascara could be around $300 for the year!

Don’t get me wrong, I really like the look but as a low maintenance lady, sometimes the effort of arranging your lashes or sleeping on your side face became annoying. Also, let me add that after a few appointments you do get used to the ‘work’.

I’m not sure I have been helpful, but I hope that maybe this can help you decide if you would like a set before the next wedding you’ve been invited to!

That’s the fresh perspective…

** List courtesy of Emphaseyes

The fresh perspective...

Freshair Boutique

Host the Ultimate BBQ

Summertime brings on one of my favorite activities, hosting! Most people find it a hassle and prefer to never have people over. Yes. It is a hassle! You gotta clean BEFORE your guests arrive and again AFTER they leave. You gotta make sure that there’s going to be enough of everything for everyone (regardless of diet) and you gotta have enough space to house it all!


Hosting a get-together can be a daunting task but I am here to reassure you that it can be easy, and quite fun if you organize yourself and follow a few tips. First of all, A BBQ is the best idea because it’s outside! This minimizes the amount of people in your home, which equals less cleaning! You will need to make sure guests know where the bathroom is ahead of time, as this will be the only reason anyone (except for you) goes into the house.


You need a space with enough seating for your guests. We have a large tables and a few smaller cocktail tables on our deck to keep snacks or spark smaller conversations. The large dining table is where everyone comes to eat, while the smaller ones allow for more mixing and mingling. If your BBQ is an evening one, make sure there is enough lighting in your ‘seating area’ to keep the party going.


It never hurts to have a few games kicking around on a table or two. It gives folks a chance to interact in a different way. Along with games, don’t forget the music. Now days you can find playlists that suit any type of party you are hosting. you can even have a few different ones to guide the evening along. Maybe play some music that is fun and fast as guests arrive, then slow it down while people are dining.


That brings me to the food. It’s very important to make sure that everyone can eat and there will be more than enough food. I usually aim to make more than needed and in the case if there are a lot of leftovers, i am prepared with cute takeaway boxes for my guests to use. this keeps my fridge space, which is already at a premium, free for my real ‘everyday life’ food. Make sure you find out everyone’s preference before hand and then throw it on an open flame. Grilled anything is the best! Make a few salads and prepare the appetizers ahead of time as well. That way, all you need to worry about is the food you’ll be grilling. Dessert can be real fun too. Watermelons are a crowdpleaser, but if you really want to make this ULTIMATE, try throwing some fruit on the grill and serve with some french vanilla ice cream! Pineapple and peaches are my favorite. And just like that, BOOM! You ‘don did it!

-that’s the fresh perspective…

the fresh perspective...

Freshair Boutique

How much is too much?

Springtime in Winnipeg is usually a mish mash of warmth and chills. Because of this, most of us are conflicted with how much skin to show. My rule is, if there are blades of green grass on the ground, my toes will come out. If there is sun and the temperature is plus anything (during the month of March) my legs will come out.

As soon as March hits, I start watching my temperature app and decide accordingly. I drive to and from work, so I believe that makes it easier for me to justify flashing my leg skin. Just so you know, my rule would change is I was a bus taker or a walker.

The front of the shop allows us to see all kinds of people walking by with their dogs, lattes and shopping bags. Many people seem to start showing skin as soon as the temperature climbs a little. I have already seen my fair share of legs and TOES! Yes, TOES! There has even been a few feet in sandals in the shop these past few weeks!

So, throw caution to the wind, or your pants/shoes to the wind. Spring is here! Is it staying? Any Winnipegger knows that is the question for the ages… Now excuse me whilst I lotion up my gams…

That’s the fresh perspective…