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the fresh perspective...

Freshair Boutique

The matter of small talk. You know?

When was the last time you had a conversation with a human face? If someone was to ask you a few questions off the cuff, what would your response be? What would you say? What would you ask? When was the last time you had a conversation for the purpose of purely conversing? It is very important that we take the time to talk and to discover new things about each other.

In an time when speaking face to face is almost foreign, let us give ‘small talk’ some serious dap! It’s a great way to pass the time and you might learn a thing or two. Here are a few questions that might make your next human contact meeting quite interesting.

What’s the most unbelievable thing that’s ever happened to you?

Are you reading any good books right now? I’d love some recommendations. How about shows?

Are there any apps on your phone that you can’t live without?

If you could only watch one genre of movies for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Do you have any podcast suggestions for my drive?

Oh, and just because talking is great, let’s not forget about her good friend listening. It makes for a neccessary part of the art of conversation. ;)

That’s the fresh perspective…

the fresh pespective...

Freshair Boutique

….And to all a goodnight!

Wowwwweeeeee! Another year in the books! Just like that it’s time for new beginnings, new lists and new goals! 2018 has been a whirlwind of a year for Freshair. We saw some really great stylists move on to new and amazing endeavors, and with them some fantastic clients as well. We will miss you all!

We have added some new stylists to our crew and I’m very excited to see what 2019 brings to them and to our lovely little location here on Academy Road! To all of our loyal clients and new subscribers, THANK YOU! It’s all of you that make this whole gig so much more interesting.

When I was thinking of a way to communicate my gratitude, I couldn’t help but think of all the times we say thank you and say it with very little conviction. We’re taught as young children to always say please and thank you like it’s verbiage necessary for living. And though yes, saying please and thank you is polite, it is now just that. Daily verbiage.

Thank you is almost so watered down that I’m not sure it really does the best job of showing sincere gratitude. When was the last time you said thank you? When was the last time you REALLY thanked someone for something? When was the last time you went out of your way to make a connection with someone who did something really nice to/for you?

What I Am trying to say is much gratefulness and gratitude for all of you that either work at Freshair Boutique or patronize our business. all the best to you and your families and remember that we appreciate you all! Blessings and I hope to see you in the new year!


That’s the fresh perspective…

Do you stuff stockings? Here are some ideas!

Freshair Boutique

The holidays are fast approaching and if you’re like me, ahead-of-the-game-Annie* over here, you know what everyone is getting (if you haven’t purchased it already). My attempts at helping out anyone who is a last-minute-Lucy* is in this post! I have compiled 10 ideas you can give as stocking stuffers directly from amazon! The prices range, but my main goal is to help you to stop being a last-minute-Lucy and bring this gift giving season to the fore front of your brain. You’re welcome! ;)

5 oz FLASK










*insert Andre or Larry if you choose to make this personalized. no judgment!

The Fresh Perspective.

Freshair Boutique

How To Get Organized - Tips From A Beginner.

Let’s get real. How many times does a day end and you realize you’ve pushed the same task over to the next day, and the next day, and the next day?... Procrastination is a killer and I am a victim…But, we do it to ourselves!

Ok enough whining.

The truth is, there is plenty of time in a day. I know we all have very different commitments, expectations and jobs, but there are ways to stay on top of it all.

Tip 1 – Put Away Your Phone.


This is a no brainer. Your phone is the devil of procrastination. Always dinging and calling your name out to refresh news headlines, Instagram, Pinterest, or whatever your poison is. It will all be there later, when you actually have time to decompress at the end of a busy day.

Tip 2 – Lists.

We love lists. Even if you write and re-write the same list just slightly modified, it works! It allows you to have a visual of what your daily/weekly tasks are. Plus, having a visual of crossing out accomplished items gives you a good reason to pat yourself on the back. You may see a trend in what task is always left for last. Maybe force yourself to do the most dreaded task first next time and see how you feel. Another little tip I like is to cross out tasks with a highlighter, rather than a pen. This allows you to still see what’s written and makes the accomplished item more significant.

Tip 3 – Be Realistic.

Don’t expect to meal prep for an entire year, or create a full fashion line in one evening. Set small, realistic goals. If you happen to surpass what you initially planned then HECK YA! Grab yourself a beverage and celebrate.

Tip 4 – Take A Breather.

Hey, if you have a day where you feel like you just can’t focus, allow yourself to take a break. I know for some people this isn’t an option, as we all have different expectations and demands. All I ask is that you don’t get down or beat yourself up if you have a lazy day. We’re all human and we do A LOT. Binge watch that show, eat those fries, take that nap.

FYI - while writing this post I stopped to look at my phone five times…. I’m still working on listening to my own advice. Cheers!

 - Freshair Boutique
