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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


Filtering by Category: Rant

the fresh perspective...



I recently received a facial service from the one and only Renee at the shop!  I fell asleep and it felt remarkable!  We chatted a little about how everyone should take the time to get a facial.  She suggested that a facial once a month could keep your skin in the best condition.  A monthly facial would include some extractions and some masks.  Whether  you are an oily type or a dry type, there is a mask for you.

Being one of the oily types, I had a deep cleansing facial with a few extractions.  My skin looked and felt AMAZING!   Why is it viewed as vain when people put a real effort into taking care of themselves?

How much care do you take?  Do you watch your diet?  Are you concerned about your hair, skin, and nails?  Do you exercise?  When was the last time you had a massage or gave your hair a deep treatment?  Does your dentist see you twice a year and your optometrist as well?  Is it important to you to look well put together day in and day out?  These are some funny questions, but the answers tell of how you treat your physical body.

How important are you to yourself?  I know that I like to push myself physically and enjoy sweating, but I neglect little things like facials.  I don't have regular appointments for massages and I could pay more attention to my hands and feet.  Thanks Renee for a great experience, you'll be seeing me in four weeks!  That's the fresh perspective...

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I get bored fast...


What are you hair goals? What would you love your hairs to look like if they could look like anything?

I always day-dream about my hair and try to picture myself with something new.  I really try not to do the same thing day in and out but sometimes you get caught in a rut.  I just took my braids out and am excited for the new hair that awaits me.

I'm a junkie when it comes to hair change.  I could change it everyday, (I do change it everyday).  I realized that about myself today, I get bored fast.


It is what it is...


I totally forgot to post this morning and for those of you that subscribe to us, I am truly sorry.  It's just that, I have a life... No excuses but the real excuse. I am a busy lady, and for all my attempts at being organized and in control, I too collapse to the bullet called life.  Woke up with the best intentions and just remembered now...  I am sorry and now will repent by showing you images of me at 'not-my-best'.  Yet, another example of how real I am!

So sue me...I have a penchant for making stoopid faces.  It's the real me folks. Nothing serious here, unless I'm being serious.  Well congrats to me! I got in a post about nothing before it became Tuesday! YES!


Who's the real expert?


With the onset of  smart phones, EVERYONE is there-by smarter.  No one can deny the fact that when we want to know something we Google it.  When we are unsure, we check our phones.  When we have questions, we ask the internet.  It is amazing, wonderful and down right annoying.

This information age is great but it also has its draw backs.  Being in the health and beauty industry, clients always ask me questions about their hair, skin, know the usual health and beauty stuff.  It seems to me that lately I'm not being asked anymore.  Folks go online and 'research' what they can do for their dry scalp, or what they can ingest to make their hair shinier.  They don't need to ask me, the expert, because they are now the experts.  You know your body and your general health issues, I don't.   But just because you have the internet at your finger tips does not mean that you know how to make, and know what should really be, in a shampoo.  I realize that there are a lot of people out there with issues and have had to turn to the internet for answers because there wasn't a solution for them in the medical field.  I've heard it all, "I have the worst dry skin and nothing my Doctor prescribed has worked.  I went on-line and found out the properties of **carrot oil** can stop dry skin.  Now I only use carrot oil on my skin and I've noticed that my skin feels so much better.  I also researched that certain foods I eat can make my skin more conditioned.  Thank God I had the internet to save me from the Doctor's errant prescriptions!..."

Okay, maybe that was a little harsh but I think that we are getting a little carried away here.  When you have a headache you may pop a few Tylenol or Advil but you wouldn't try to go online to get a treatment for your chest pains that are keeping you from breathing.  Would you?  No!  You would see a Doctor.  If your vision became blurry you might toss in some eye drops but if you consistently couldn't see you would see an optometrist right? Right.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's good to do some research and try to solve your health and wellness issues on your own, but let's not forget the people who spent a lot of time and money in order to know plenty in their field.  There is a reason that we give out degrees and diplomas, it's to differentiate us from each other and lets people know where you stand compared to others in your area.  When it comes to the internet, there is no measuring stick to place on each of us to say who knows more about one thing over another.  Basically, it all depends on how fast you can open up your search engine window and how fast you can type.


**I don't know if carrot oil does any of this, I just used it as a lame example.  Please do not start ingesting copious amounts of carrot oil in hopes that your hair and/or skin will be nicer...**

Grey cup, Shmay cup...


Ahh well... Booty weekend for sports.  The Bombers stank and the Bears stank.  The Bombers were worse by far because tonight was for all the marbles... We just didn't have what it took to win. We made too many mistakes and the other team really showed up.  Whatever happened to 'Swaggerville'?   I felt like our defense was barely there...  Did Doug Brown even play?  I am saddened...  At least we didn't lose by boatloads...

It's the last day of my weekend and I'm going to try to find some good in it.  So much for our parade and late night parties...


Keep it in the closet?... PART 2.


Ha ha... stupid blog has got me having to make sure I do what I say!...

that's right kids...

So on August first I posted Keep it in the closet?  I said that in three months I would clean out my storage closet again so it wouldn't be eight bags worth of stuff to Sally-Ann.  Well today is November 1, 2011 and I haven't cleaned it yet.  I will though, this weekend I will clean out the storage closet and be rid of some things for another three months.  That puts us to Feb 1.  Okay, I'll keep you all posted on the closet cleaning part 2...
