Friday Kits...
I've been compiling my Friday outfits for a few years now and thought I should share some with you. If you follow us on twitter, Instagram or Facebook you will notice that Fridays are when I post a wee bit more about myself... Namely the clothes on my body, the style of my hair or the expression of my face (the face thing is new... I'm trying something out on Facebook...)
Here are five images of my Friday kits, in no particular order and for no specific reason, except for I think I really nailed these!! Ha! Enjoy!
Well there are a few of my outfits. I know it seems a bit high and mighty of myself to post these but the jig is up, I'm a a stylist. I work in the hair and beauty industry. Fashion is a large part of what we do everyday and I enjoy dressing myself (for the most part). I think the key is to know yourself, your body type, and your age. At the same time, don't take it too seriously. They're just clothes. I don't let my clothes define me, I use them to express myself, along with my hair, make-up and accessories.
Take pride in your wardrobe and your style. It's what can add to making you that much more unique!