the fresh perspective...
Next week is the Academy Road Live festival and Freshair Boutique will be participating by setting up a braid bar. Between 2:30-3:30 we will be braiding hair and giving tips. If your hair is long, and you'd like to learn a little more about braiding then come on down. Braids are amazing and have been around for-ev-er! The new and improved braid is rough, messy, and full of texture. Back in the day we would make sure our braids were tight and secure. Now, we want them to look like they've fallen out a bit...
On June 8th we will be setting up our very first braid bar. The braid crown will be one of the styles and is one of my personal faves. Our receptionist (and Monday blogger) Pascale has taught herself how to do a braid crown. It's not easy, but she practiced, practiced, practiced...
If you are thinking about coming out next Saturday be sure to swing by the bar and maybe get a braid! It would be a good time to ask for some tips and tricks to help get you started. That's the fresh perspective...
**TIP-Braiding is easier to do on dirty hair and hair with a lot of texture. Don't be afraid to use some dry shampoo and toss your hair up with a braid on day three or four. The braid may buy you more time between washings... **