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Style, beauty and lifestyle blog


Monday Blog

Freshair Boutique

Let’s talk about KEVIN.MURPHY.


Our fan favourite product line is KEVIN.MURPHY. Not only do their products work magic on hair, the company itself it focused on sustainability & seem to constantly be striving to be better. Let me tell you a little bit more about their initiatives & why we love them!

Commitment to the environment

KEVIN.MURPHY creates product with a conscience that does no harm to the environment by utilizing packaging that is recyclable or biodegradable. They use only sulphate free surfactants that effectively cleanse and remove surface oil and dirt, without stripping or depleting the hair of its colour. They use AHA’s, or fruit acids, derived from papaya, citrus, and sugar cane that gently exfoliate the hair surface without drying or depleting the hair. Natural surfactants from the Soap Bark Tree, Quillaja, and other plant-derived sources create rich luxurious lathers that moisturise and nourish the hair.



Philanthropy is at the heart of the KEVIN.MURPHY brand. They are constantly dedicated to aiding charitable causes that focus on both human and environmental issues. They focus on funding causes and charities that are close to their hearts, wherever and whenever possible, through the support of our distributors and salon network. The most recent donations was $100,000 to various organizations to provide relief and recovery assistance to its citizens, firefighters and wildlife.



PETA, the largest animal rights organization in the world, has proudly accepted KEVIN.MURPHY as one of their recommended ‘Cruelty Free’ companies.

KEVIN.MURPHY will not harm nor test on animals. We avoid the use of any ingredient that will damage or harm animals and the environment in any way at all.


Ocean Waste Plastic

KEVIN.MURPHY has committed to reducing plastic waste by cleaning up oceans and reclaiming that plastic to package hair products. Starting now, they are converting bottles to 100% reclaimed Ocean Waste Plastic (OWP) and in doing so, will save a projected 360 tons of plastic from the ocean each year.

If you’re interested in learning even more, check them out here. Also, if you’re curious as to which KEVIN.MURPHY products are right for your hair, they have a product matchmaker quiz you can find here!

Any KEVIN.MURPHY questions? Ask us by commenting below!

The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

Refurbishing & thrifting furniture.

A little secret I’d like to share, if you currently aren’t aware, is a local shop called Shoe String Picker. They sell antique & refurbished furniture & accessories. I follow them on Instagram and are always day dreaming about filling my home with their furniture.


Although refinishing furniture can be time consuming, it can have such a significant impact when designing a space. It adds character, history, quirkiness & individuality. Most of their pieces are one of a kind. Here are my top 5 reasons why you should give it a shot;

  1. It is better for the environment

  2. It allows for your personality to shine

  3. It can be less expensive

  4. The pieces can last a lifetime

  5. It’s fulfilling


One of our visions here at Freshair Boutique is to partner with a company (hopefully Shoe String Picker) and furnish the salon, quarterly, with new beautiful pieces. All the pieces would be available to hold for sale as well, which you could then scoop up at the end of the showing. Is this something you all would like to see? Although we love our current furniture, spicing things up a little is never a bad idea. Especially when the pieces coming in are one of a kind.

Have any of you ever repurposed & up-cycled a piece of furniture?