the fresh perspective...
First off, this product smells dee-lish (that was for you Lisa!). Everyone (maybe not everyone) has heard or knows of a product that has argan oil in it. At our shop we carry Macadamia Natural Oil and now...Orofluido!
In the past five years I think that the Argan oil 'product' has really taken off. Argan oils originated from Morocco and these days they are the base of many oil products blended with other oils. Orofluido (liquid gold in Spanish) has linseed oil and cypress oil blended along with the Argan oil.
These oil products are great for speeding up your hair drying time and because they are a natural product it's a plus/plus! Some negatives: you do not get any hold or control from this product. I find that most folks add it to their wet hair to let air dry and/or use it as a serum for flat ironing.
This product has a decent supporting cast. It includes shampoo, conditioner, shine spray and a deep treatment that you can microwave and add the oil to for an aroma therapeutic experience... That's the fresh perspective...
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