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Filtering by Category: the fresh perspective---

The Fresh Perspective

Freshair Boutique


I know there are some people that absolutely dread a camping trip, but if you have yet to at least give it a try - please do! I am a huge fan of camping and look forward to it every summer. It started out when I was young with family canoe and camping trips, and continued as a grew older with friends and loved ones.

Depending on the time of year and the level of camping you’re into, your needs with vary drastically. I always enjoy being comfortable, of course, however I like to make the trip as simple as possible by packing only necessities - not so extreme, but not like a glam camper, ya know?

Slightly less glam than this… ;)

Slightly less glam than this… ;)

My most recent camping trip was in Tulabi Falls. It was INCREDIBLE. Myself and a group of friends booked the back country camp site and trecked on in on a Friday afternoon. Let me tell you, if you book those back country sites, be prepared to walk about 2 km’s to your site. We didn’t plan for this and packed quite heavy so the struggle was real. But, the reward was totally worth it. These back country sites are right on the water. You can slip on in and cool off at any time, take a tube ride down to the falls and spend the day jumping off of the cliffs and hanging out by the rapids. If you’re not ready to brave the back country, book yourself a yurt. They are absolutely beautiful and are next on my list.


Some of the top places to check out would be Tulabi Falls, Spruce Woods, random islands on West Hawk Lake, or one very random spot a friend brought a group of us to off HWY 1.

My biggest advice for camping trips consist of the following list;

  • be open-minded

  • bring the strongest bug spray you can find

  • rubber boots are a great way to avoid poison ivy

  • practice your around the fire jam suggestions prior so you sound like a professional

  • don’t be afraid to get messy

  • leave your phone in the car

  • soak in and appreciate the nature


That sums up my camping blog! I could talk about it a lot so if you have questions or need suggestions, comment below!

-that’s the fresh perspective…

The Fresh Perspective

Freshair Boutique

Long weekend weddings. We all have an opinion. Maybe you’ve been to one, maybe you’ve had one. Either way, there’s no denying that the feelings are mixed.

It is perfectly understandable for a couple to want to keep their wedding to a smaller budget. Having a wedding on a Friday or Sunday will often be a cheaper option at certain venues. On top of this, you are probably more likely to get your desired date at said venue on shorter notice if you aren’t set on a Saturday wedding. Another bonus can be that it makes it easier for people who are traveling to spend more time with their family and friends. All valid reasons.


On the other hand, as a guest, this can be cause to roll your eyes when you open that invite. A long weekend is precious real estate in the summer. You get an extra day to plan that camping trip or lake weekend. Having an obligation that keeps you from leaving home can feel like a big sacrifice. It’s understandable that not everyone will be happy about this.


Ultimately, if it’s your wedding, do your thang! Do whatever makes you happy and don’t worry about anyone else. But keep in mind that people may be unable to attend or simply choose to RSVP no based on their own long weekend priorities. Don’t take it personally and enjoy your day!


The Fresh Perspective

Freshair Boutique

Summer Skin Care REVAMP

So many things change from summer to winter, including your skins needs! As someone with very temperamental skin, I am very aware of how the added heat and sun affect my complexion; so over the years I’ve broken it down to a few things I change every spring time to make sure my skin is ready to see the sun.


There are some over-all product changes that I deem necessary for the new weather. This does not mean you have to rush out to the store and purchase a whole selection of new products. I always wait until I’ve finished whatever product I am using, but instead of repurchasing the same product, I choose a better suited summer alternative. (Changing out your skin care products one at a time instead of all together is also a good idea because if one of the products breaks you out or gives you a reaction you'll know which product is causing it right away.)


 When I’m looking to by a new product for summer, a good rule of thumb is you want the formula to be lighter than whatever you're using in the winter months. This especially goes for your facial cleanser and your moisturizer. Choosing a lighter moisturizer is quite straight forward, but with facial washes a light foaming cleanser is my personal favourite for summer skincare.


A second key factor to keeping your face looking fresh is keeping up with sun-protection. Sun protection should be a year-round part of everyone's skin care routine, but stakes are generally higher in the summer. I also have chatted with a few friends who refuse to wear facial sunscreen because it feels greasy, which I can totally understand, but looking for good facial sunscreens is a very important everyday step of maintaining your complexion. When shopping for a sunscreen find one just for the face that is also non-comedogenic, so it won’t clog your pores! Quite a few tinted moisturizers have SPF in them, which is also a quick and easy way of getting your sun protection in!


One thing that I SWEAR by for my skin in the summer is being very strict about the cleanliness of my skin and everything that touches it. No, this does not mean you should wash your face a bunch of extra times a day because of sweat (over washing is unhealthy for you skin, twice a day is perfect ladies!). Instead, blot your skin or use a face mist when you feel the urge to prematurely wash. One obvious part of face cleanliness is touching your face with your hands, this is especially important in the summer because of the sweat from your hands can transfer bacteria directly onto your face. In the summer I clean my personal makeup brushes every week instead of bi-weekly like I do in winter. Bacteria love a warm place to live, so protect your face from what could be hanging out in your brushes! Pillow cases are also a silent killer when it comes to summer skin irritation. Changing your pillow cases regularly help keep your skin happy through the night!


Keeping your skin happy is as easy as making these little changes, so might as well show your skin some extra love this upcoming summer! You won’t regret it!


The Fresh Perspective

Freshair Boutique


Springtime in Manitoba can be tricky. There are cold days mashed between hot days and rain, rain, rain peppered in between. It’s difficult to look stylish when the temperature can change on a dime. In order to maintain a semblance of style, I make sure I am prepared. I hate being cold and sometimes struggle with looking fresh AND keeping warm. Here are a few tips to help you traverse our sloppy season with pizazz.

1) Layer up. an oversized coat or jean jacket is a nice topper in case there is wind.

2) Thick sole sneakers, heels or shoes. if there are puddles or wet spots on your commute, you can stay above.

3) Hat/toque always. the best way to add a little quirk to your kit, control your core temp or cover a bad hair day!

4) Waterproof coat. when you can’t afford to get wet. To be really effective, include an umbrella.

5) Pastel palette. light colors and light weights allow for a ‘springtime’ look.

The reality is that we still have a few months before we can really enjoy the heat. The unstable temperatures will eventually settle down and we’ll be on our way to July and pool parties and BBQ’s. Until then, stay dry and stay warm.

— that’s the fresh perspective…

The Fresh Perspective

Freshair Boutique

Check out our latest photo shoot! This time around we wanted to keep it fresh, green and all things Spring. Shelmerdines Greenhouse was kind enough to let us use their space one beautiful Sunday. The ever so talented Michelle Panting was behind the camera, and our lovely models Ruth, Sarah and Danika were our muse. Take a look through some of our favourites! They’ll be up around the salon within the next week!


What do you want to see more of? We’re always dreaming up new ideas for photo shoot inspiration, and would love to create something based on your interests! Comment or message if you’d like to see anything specific!


-the fresh perspective…

The Fresh Perspective...

Freshair Boutique

Race season is upon us. If you are a runner, you may be thinking of doing a race. Whether you’re a seasoned vet or a beginner, it can be very intimidating to get started. One thing you can always remind yourself is that running is a solo sport. You get to set your own pace, goals and you don’t have to worry about anyone else. There’s no outside pressure so don’t be hard on yourself and enjoy the process.


If you’ve never run a day in your life, my advice is download the “Couch to 5k” app. It’s a perfectly paced 9 week program to ease you into running at a very realistic, comfortable pace. You’ll be so proud when you get to that 30 minute run at the end that you may even want to move on to the 5k-10k program. But one thing at a time. ;)

If you’re already a runner but are looking to try out a race you’ve never done before, good for you! It’s great to push yourself outside your comfort zone. Here are my top tips for race training:

-Talk to other runners who’ve run the race you’re looking to do. Ask what they struggled with during training and during the race. What helped them? You’ll save yourself a lot of grief and googling.


-Get good runners! I cannot stress this enough. It is not worth running long distances in uncomfortable shoes that lack support. Go to a running store, not the mall. Talk to the people who work there and try on 20 pairs. Don’t skimp on price if the fit is right. This is so important.


-Listen to your body. Trust your body. Honor your body. Every body is different and we all run differently. If something doesn’t feel right, give yourself a break. Don’t push yourself too hard. Don’t compare yourself to others. Practice gratitude with every run. You are very privileged to have a healthy body, don’t take that for granted.

Good luck and have fun!

-the fresh perspective…