We had our Grand Opening this last saturday which makes it official- We. Are. Here. The day went quite well and we were very busy and managed to book a few appointments along the way, which was awesome! We thought that there would be more folks out from the neighbourhood invites we sent out but I think we only had a few that responded. Even though the residential turn out wasn't that apparent, we know that they know that we are here... ha ha. That could be tongue twister...any. ways..
Our facebook crew is growing in leaps and bounds and I personally cannot believe what an epidemic facebook really is. I mean I used to have a profile but couldn't maintain it and so now that I am somewhat 'back', via the salon, it's slowly coming back to me.
Facebook is like a fake avatar. Let's say Jenny from the block makes a profile, her facebook profile is in many ways her avatar. She can participate in wars, grow veggies, vacation on tropical islands and pick up boys whose status change from single to in a relationship and back. It's so overwhelming keeping up with Jenny from the block, imagine having 300 more similar 'friends'? How can one maintain these unrealistic relationships? It's unrealistic because a) none of us really have over 100 friends, talk of over 400 and b) if we really did, keeping up with all of their status would be our full time job. No one person can be supportive to their friends who are getting picked up, dumped, getting married, or going on vacation all at the same time! Your facebook profile is virtually you relating to all of your 'friends'!
FYI, writing on your friends wall saying you're sorry for her loss might seem like a great 'friend' gesture but let's call a spade a spade. If Jenny from the block was really your girl, you would call her up or go over. What makes me sad is that Jenny actually thinks you're a great friend BECAUSE you wrote on her wall, 'sorry for your loss'. She doesn't even know that she's missing out on a real relationship! Poor Jenny...
Well my rant is over....for now. Freshair Boutique does not have a profile but has a fan page. Things run a little different here but all in all folks can see how Freshair Boutique's 'life' is going. Oh the possibilites... who knows what crazy social networking situation some young trust fund baby will come up with next. Oh-kay, I'm out...